Recently...... I have been thinking about kids and how I was when I was kid and stuff. I was probably the worst kid ever. My friends which were bad influences on me, we all use to go to this really junky junkyard and steal old cars that still had a motor in it and drive it around. I was probably 8 or 9.
Recently.....I have been thinking about marriage which is NOT me. I think I was brainwashed or something but yeah I was thinking how cool it would be to have a lil baby. I mean lol, it wouldn't come out of me of course. It would come out of a woman. Not like an old woman but a girl my age who thinks of herself as a woman cause she has had sex or went through puberty or um...gotten boobs or something weird.
Recently....I have been talking to alot of girls(not on here)and of course some girls i know an i are hooking up and stuff. I have started to realize that maybe hooking up isn't how my life is supposed to be. I mean I will keep like being with girls but i should do it in moderation.
Recently....I don't even know- I have been just thinking alot..tell me some stuff you guys think about.
P.S. georgiahoran98 and I are writing a CO-OP book. Which is a book we are writing together soooo please follow her. I will tell you guys when are book is out, it will be on her page, thingy:)
Bye ~Nick

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