I am truly sorry get_over_yourself I have been busy with stuff and I was being lazy AND my brain wouldn't think of wise things to say because sometimes I have a bad case of Dumb Brain since I am a teen, I guess. But it is actually hard to write but I like the challenge.
ANYWAY, I never understand why people call themselves anti-social. I learned that anti-social means "against society" because the word "Anti" means some against something.
I learned that anti-social people can be out going people but they don't go with the flow cause they challenge and try to change society. Crimals ARE anti-social.
Being shy and being anti-social are 2 different things. Shy people are shy cause they are afraid to talk and have low confidence.
Since we are talking about confidence lets keep talking about it. I will name things that non-confident people need an do.
1. They ALWAYSSS ask opinions from others which is quite annoying because I do not care what you wear or if your pony tail looks straight...If you think you look good then don't ask.
2. Always concerned of being judged Is A HUGE ONE. No matter what you do, you will get judged so just do it and don't care about other people.
3. Smiling and acting happy all the time when really you wanna fucking kill yourself...I do this alot but sometimes I can't help it cause i don't like being sad.
4. You always want everyone else to make YOUR decision!! Annoying
Lack of confidence isn't bad it is just annoying because it is not something inherited; It is something YOU do to yourself because you see someone else do it at a young age and you think its fine to act like that.
It is easy to BUILD COnFIDENCE.
1.Tell your self your perfect and you might believe it.
2. Or just get a life coach and hope you get more confident OR just make a CHANGE...like I did.

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