How to talk to YOUR CRUSH

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Girls always worry about this but all you really need to do is talk to him. Guys like all girls; only some guys like or want certain girls(That guy would be called a douchebag or jerk). If you are overweight, or a nerd or just plain weird a guy will like you because guys grow on people, especially girls! Sooo ladies just talk to him and after awhile he will like you; TRUST ME I'M A GUY AND I KNOW!;)

1. Just Talk to him, if you talk to him about sports or something athletic guys tend to get more into the conversation; but if you think of something that he might like then talk about it;.. guys get super nervous when girls talk to them because guys think girls are different species or something like that.

2. Be a little flirty, don't go over board though because guys don't like girls that are groping us or anything like that; you can touch us but not to much because then we will think your like a slut. Just smile and be polite!

3. Break the touch barrier, when you see him just give him a hug, even though guys act like they don't like it; WE LOVE HUGS! We love hugs because girls always smell soo good, that weird?

4. Become his friend, A guy doesn't really like thinking of a girl as his "friend" but if he definately doesn't like you he will treat you like his guy friends, sooo before you get to that part of your relationship try to be his friend and then give him hints that you like him; if you do like him.

5. Don't be scared to ask him out or chat for a bit.

I understand how everyone feels about crushes


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