Hi Peeps, You obviously read the title which is weird and now your gonna sit down and listen to me talk about sex...my first time having sex. Which is awesome.
My first time wasn't a threesome or anything amazing. It was actually with a 17 year old when I was 13. I was kinda late to puberty, My friend John was actually late to puberty also. While everyone was getting a big dick and growing mustaches. John and I were just getting taller. It was horrible because everyone kept thinking we were little kids even though we kinda were but we had the word "teen" in our age so we thought we were fucking bosses.
Anyway, back to my first time. Her name was Lola and she was going to college or some shit and for some reason she hung out with me alot. I guess you could say she saw something good in me. She was like my bestfriend. She hung out with me and John, Becca, and D. Since I always told everyone that I liked D and Becca Lola always thought that they would be my first time but Lola was. John was surprised when I told him I did it with Lola. I guess he felt left out cause the next day he talked D into doing it with him. I kinda was jealous of John because I liked D AND Becca but I didn't want to tell John that I liked them both cause then he wouldn't have anyone to date.
I keep getting off track. Anyway, Lola was fun but I could tell she was one of those unhappy girls that tried so hard to fake her happiness. She had low self esteem an all so I don't think she liked me in a boyfriend way. The more that I think about she probably didn't even like me as a friend.
One day it was raining, It was a sucky day to start with so I walked over to her house. I would have stayed at my own house but my mom and dad were arguing. And Lola lived by my grandmas house so I could walk to my grandmas easily. I was over at Lola's and for some reason she hated rain because it made her think about her dad leaving. So, I spent the whole day hugging her and trying to cheer her up.
I kinda knew I was gonna hook up with her but at the same time with me being a kid I didn't.
We were in her bedroom and I still remember all her pictures of her friends and us all over her walls and her light grey walls and black sheeted bed. Lola kissed me and I was pretty much a proffesional kisser by then. She was really impressed I remember.
Lola's boobs were the first big boobs I had seen though. Lola wasn't nervous at all when she was taking her clothes off which at the time I thought was hot as fuck. I remember feeling excited, nervous, daring, and Weird. There is no other words for the feeling that I can explain. I don't remember getting hard or anything. She was probably using my big dick for her enjoyment, and I couldn't complain.
I remembered her moaning alot and she was on top of me and I was just laying there thinking that I was the luckiest boy. 2 years after that I started puberty. I haven't got facial hair or body hair yet but my dick at age 15 was horrible but at the same time is was good. I was hard for almost that whole year but it turned girls on so that was the good part. But try playing football with a boner. WORST MOMENT EVER.
But after Lola and I had sex that one time, she moved away. She didn't say bye to me or John or anyone, she just left.
P.S. Tell me in the comments if any of you guys have seen a dick.
P.P.S. If you have seen a dick then have you had sex with a dick that wasn't hard...how does it feel?
If these are too personal then don't answer. But if you want you can tell me about your first times. When a girl asked me to write this I was all in. It really intrigued me. If anyone has any other suggestions for me to write I will. If the suggestion is sexual I will most likely answer it faster or write about it better. Not sure why lol.

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