1. You can talk about Cars, Sports, Video Games, OR favorite Music.
2. If you talk about his or your family that is an easy thing to get the ball rolling. If you take and interest in a guys Family he will like it cause you will seem nice.
3. If you talk about something make sure you know the basics of it before you speak about it. Some Guys really have interests in cars so that is a cool thing to talk about if you know the basics of it.
4. If you talk about sex, you will most likely be a guys best friend. Guys talking about sex is disgusting and degrading.BLAH BLAH BLAH, it is what it is. Talking about sex is the most rated topic when talking about guys.
Just to clear things up, You don't have to talk to him about Cars Or Sex.
These are just things that some guys like to talk about and if he likes to talk about stuff then he will talk to you more and you will seem cool because you know things about cool stuff.

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