Chapter 9: Unexpected

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        For the past week, Sam and Dean help me with hunting again so I can tag along on jobs. No one came back with anything new about my past. Castiel still hasn't returned and Sam and Bobby are worried. But Dean says Castiel can take care of himself.

        Sam refuses to bring up anything about that night he told me about his mother. I feel relieved, it hurt him to bring it up when he's drunk. I feel like it would be worse if he talked about it while sober.

        Sam asks, "Want anything to eat before we head to Illinois?"

        We are leaving Bobby's. I am going to miss this place. His house is comfy and it makes me feel a little less homesick. We are leaving because Sam thinks he found a case and in my opinion, I think we did too.

        I say, "Sure if you guys want to."

        I am wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, and boots. Bobby lent me money so I could buy clothes but I also bought a small stash of candy.

        The Impala cruises down the highway and a car passes by every so often.

        Dean says, "We'll be in the next town shortly."

        I grab the box of music that Dean had. There were tapes of Metallica, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, and so many more. I reach for Bon Jovi's tape. I ask Sam to play the tape and "Wanted Dead or Alive" starts to blast from the speakers. I jam to this song, trying to sing the chorus after hearing it the first time. I hear Dean and Sam laugh at me.

        I demand, "Yes? What's so funny?"

        Dean chuckles, "Not a thing."

        I continue to sing along to the music and soon we arrive at the restaurant. We all exit the Impala, and Sam is the first one to enter the food place. Dean asks, "Can I talk to you?"

        I say, "Yes, sure."

        Dean sighs, "I'm worried about Sam. What did he say to you that night?"

        I ask, "Why?"

        "His nightmares to seem to be worse ever since that night. I don't know why and he won't tell me. This only happened a few times but that was a few years ago," Dean explains.

        I murmur, "He told me a demon killed your mom."

        Dean frowns and nods.

        I ask, "Are you okay?"

        Dean says, "I'm fine."

        Dean starts to walk away but I grab his jacket to prevent him from entering the restaurant. He looks at me, puzzled.

       I say, "You can't hide your feelings, Dean."

        Dean chuckles, "You sound like Sam."

        I frown, "I'm not joking."

        Dean said, "It was forever ago. About 30 years now."

        I sigh and reluctantly let him go into the restaurant. Sam is waiting for us at a booth. I sit next to Sam and Dean sits on the other side of the booth. I take a menu and look through it, trying to decide what looks good. A waitress comes. She has red hair and oval framed glasses.

        She smiles, "What may I get y'all?"

        I return the smile, "I'll take a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke please!"

        She asks, "Do you two want anything?"

        Dean smiles, "Yes, I do"

        I kick Dean from under the table.

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