Chapter 20: The End

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        I wake up and feel something digging into my wrists. I'm tied to a chair. The events come back to me and I struggle against the restraints but the ropes are too tight. I look around and see Katelyn, Dean, and Sam tied to chairs as well. Dean and Katelyn are still unconscious. Sam and I's eyes meet and he whispers, 

        "Are you okay?"

        I shrug, "I've been better."

        The door swings open and a tall woman strides forward. She has long hair that falls around her shoulders, it's Zachriel.

        I demand, "Where's Randy?"

        Zachriel fakes a sigh, "Oh dear, he's six feet under."

        "You killed him," I choke out.

        He laughs, "Oh, silly. I didn't want to get my hands dirty I made someone else do it."

        I yell, "I'm going to kill you."

        Dean groans and opens his eyes. He glances around the room and his eyes meet Zachriel's.

        Dean complains, "Not him!"

        Sam mutters, "So much for your plan."

        I shoot him a look and whisper, "It's not over yet."

        I plead, "Zachriel, just take me and let them live. It's me you want. They'll leave you alone."

        I hear Katelyn cough and groan.

        Dean asks, baffled, "What? Is that your plan?"

        Katelyn clears her throat, "What'd I miss?"

        Zachriel informs, "Your friend wants to sacrifice herself for you three. I think it's.."

        He continues to ramble on. I grab my pocket knife from my back pocket and begin to cut my ropes. Sam looks over at me and realizes he needs to buy me some time.

        Sam questions, "What are you going to do with us?"

        Zachriel shrugs, "I don't know. Elizabeth makes a good offer..."

        Zachriel turns around and continues to babble about what he should do with the three humans. I finish cutting my ropes and hand the knife to Sam. He starts to cut his restraints. I stand up and grab the angel blade from the table and charge at Zachriel. He turns around and throws me against the wall with his angelic powers. (<---- I HATE my word choice here but oh well lol)

        I groan with pain. I refuse to give up. I stand up slowly, ignoring the burning sensation in my lower back. Zachriel doesn't expect me to stand up and try to stab him again. I stab him in the arm and he screams in pain. As he holds his arm, he grabs a knife from the table he leans on and stabs me in the stomach. I hunch over but I still try to regain balance. I hear Sam scream at the events unfolding. I grab the angel blade from the ground and try to run towards Zachriel. He pushes me to the floor. Sam rushes over to my limp body, pleading with me to stay awake.

       "Everything's going to be okay, I promise."

        I asked between gasps of air, "Where is... Katelyn and Dean?"

       Sam shakes his head and says, "Taking care of Zachriel."

       I groan as if someone tells me to wake up early for school, "I'm going to die... Aren't I?"

       Sam's eyes are filled with tears when he looks at me. 

       "No, you'll be fine. I know it."

        I smile, "It's going... To be okay Sam..."

        Sam sits me up in a sitting position and rips the bottom of his flannel and applies pressure to the stab wound. I wince in pain.

       Sam cries, "I have to pray to Cas!"

        I use the last of my strength to give Sam a kiss. I grimace in pain from the movement. I smile up at Sam. It's getting more difficult to breathe by the minute.

       "It's... Okay. Don't bother him... I need... Sam, I'll miss... You so much."

        Sam sobs, "Don't give up, Liz. I'll miss you so much. I love you..."

        I smile at Sam and he smiles back at me through his tears. Katelyn and Dean rush over to Sam and I. Katelyn is crying and Dean looks worried. 

        Dean sniffs, "Liz, I'll miss you."

        I smile, "I'll miss you, too. Take care of Katelyn... For me... Please?"

        Dean smiles through tears, "I promise."

        I feel myself slipping away from reality. The noises fade in the background. I see my three friend's faces, all crying. I let go, knowing what I have to do. 

        A man says, "I'm your reaper. Ready to go?"

        I realize I'm standing near my group of friends, all surrounding a limp body, my limp body. They all seem to know that I have died. Sam holds my lifeless body closer and Katelyn cries into Dean's arms. I can't help but smile.

        I grin, "Go get him, Katelyn,"

        The reaper asks, "What?"

        I reply, "I'm ready to go."

        The reaper smiles, "You'll like Heaven."

        I smile through my tears, "It's the end, isn't it?"

        The reaper says, "Of your human life, yes."

        I turn around and face the reaper.

        I ask, "Can I say goodbye to them? One last time?"

        The reaper sighs, "Make it quick."

        I whirl around and start walking towards my friends, "Can you guys hear me?"

        All three heads turn towards me. Katelyn and Dean gasp.

       Sam says through tears, "Did you go with your Reaper?"

        I laugh, "I am. He is letting me say goodbye one last time."

        I walk closer to Katelyn and whisper in her ear, "Go get him, tiger! I'll miss you."

       She smiles at me through her sobs, while I walk to Dean.

       He says, "Enjoy Heaven for me."

       I laugh at him. Last, but not least I move to my favorite Winchester. Sam is trying to wipe his tears from his face, but it's useless because the tears continue to flow.

        Sam chuckles sadly, "Say hi to Randy for me."

        I smile, "I'll be sure to do that. Tell Bobby I'll miss him..."

        The Reaper declares, "Times up."

        I snap, "Hold it."

        Sam looks confused, he can't see my reaper. 

        "I love you, Sam."

        I lean down and kiss Sam on the lips. Neither one of us wants the kiss to end. I start to cry knowing this is the last time I'll ever see my favorite people.

        I move back and say, "I am ready now."

        I feel myself going somewhere amazing. I can't wait to see Randy but a part of me wants to stay with these people. 

        It's the end of me, of my life with the Winchester's.

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