Chapter 16: Randy's in New Jersey

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        Bobby asks, "Do you know where Randy is?"

        I just woke up, and I'm still tired. Groggily, I shake my head no.

        "Why do you ask?"

        Bobby says, "Well, I haven't seen him since last night. He told me he would be sleeping in the living room. He's not there."

        My chest starts to hurt and I feel worried. If he isn't there, where could he be?

        Dean walks downstairs and asks, "Ready to go?"

        I stare at him in confusion while he walks to the fridge and grabs another beer. He opens the bottle and drinks some. How can he drink so much? 

        Dean says, "We are going to leave. Bobby needs his time to do stuff he wants to do. So, we are going hunting."

        I say, "Really? This time we are?"

        The last time we went hunting, we had to come back to Sioux Falls. 

        Dean nods, "Go gather your things. Katelyn and Randy had no problem with going their separate ways but they want your number."

        I don't want to leave Katelyn and Randy. How can they be so keen on splitting up after they spent so much time searching for me?

       I sigh, "I don't have a phone, Dean."

        Dean says, "We'll get you one."

        A part of me feels excited since we're finally going hunting. I still don't want to depart from my original friends. The people who spent so much time looking for me worried sick. I have no clue where Randy even is. I open the door to the bedroom and the sound of a song by AC/DC struck me. I move over to the radio and turn the volume down. Kately is sitting there finishing the words of the verse.

        I laugh, "You like AC/DC too? You and Dean are made for each other."

        Katelyn says, "Are you leaving yet?"

       I shrug, "They said I can go with them, but I don't want to leave you guys either."

      The truth is I want to be with my friends and family. How can I just leave them?

      Katelyn says, "No, it's okay. Have you seen Randy?"

       I say, "No. No one has seen him since last night."

      Katelyn declares, "His car is still outside."

      "I'm going outside to check if he's in his car," I say.

        I walk downstairs and out the front door. Just like Katelyn said, Randy's car is out her but I don't see him.

        I call, "Randy! Randy!"

        I have a bad feeling within my chest. What's the worst thing that could have happened? His car is still here so he couldn't have gone far.

       Oh, Randy's missing? That's a shame. 

        I ask, "What? Do you have him?

        Maybe I do.

        I hiss, "Give him back. Otherwise, I'll hunt you down myself and kill you."

        Oh, sweetie. Remember our deal. I'm not going to hurt him if you keep your end of the deal.

       This is the last straw, I don't care if Zachriel never gave me back my memory. But he can't keep expecting me to be his puppet. He needs to leave my friends alone.

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