Chapter 12: Tell The Truth Or Lie?

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       I check the clock, it's midnight. I sneak downstairs. Dean is asleep on the couch and Sam is asleep on the floor. I quickly search Dean's coat for his keys. I feel lucky when I find them. I tiptoe out of the house and start the Impala, hoping that no one wakes to the loud hum of Dean's car.

      I begin driving down the road. I have Bobby's GPS because I would be lost without it. The GPS told me to turn in a hundred feet. I am unable to rid my feeling that something bad is going to happen. I should have left a note so if anything happens they would know.

        What am I thinking? I'm going to be fine, hopefully.

        Soon I arrive at the warehouse, barely taking ten minutes to get here. I get out of the vehicle and start walking towards the door. I don't know how I know where to go but I feel like I'm being controlled. I open the door and it groans open. I carefully step in the dark, damp warehouse. I begin walking again but I feel someone walking behind me so I walk faster until I trip on a rope. I fall to the ground and scrape my arm. I resist the urge to scream in pain, and stand up and continue walking. I feel a wet liquid sliding down my arm. In a room ahead, lights are on. I go to the center of the room and look around.

        I yell, "Hello? Anybody here?"

        I hear a loud bang. I look over in the direction of the noise and when I look back I see the girl from dreams, Zachriel.

        The woman says, "Hi, I'm Zachriel."

        I laugh, "You have to be kidding."

        Zachriel says, "Shut up. Soon Dean will wake up, and notice you're gone."

        I remain silent, and he soon continued.

        "I have a quest for you. I want you to make Dean and Sam fight. Keep them busy so my plan will work."

        I ask, "Why should I do this? And don't say you are going to kill them because if you really wanted to you wouldn't be putting me on this so-called 'quest'."

        Zachriel looks grim for a little bit, but soon his expression changed into something I couldn't read.

        Zachriel sighs, "Let's make a deal."

        I ask, "Didn't I already do that? Crowley said so."

        Zachriel laughs, "Good. I see Crowley lied for me like I told him too. I wanted him to lie to throw all of you off track. How about this? If you keep them busy, I'll give you back your memory and you're out of this war plan."

        I hesitate. If I accept this deal, I could go back to my life. I, also, will put everyone's lives in danger. All my friends and family will die, sooner or later.

        I scoff, "All my family and friends would die anyway."

        Zachriel says, "Yes, I know. But I could savor all of their lives for you."

        Dean and Sam explained to me to never trust an angel nor a demon. Something, however, is urging me to accept this deal.

        I say, "Yes, it's a... It's a deal."

        I didn't completely decide but I still said those words.

        Zachriel claps, "Good choice. Now go home."

        With a snap of his fingers, he was gone. When he leaves I couldn't help but think I made the worst mistake of my life.

        I shriek, "What have I done?"


       I arrive back at Bobby's and shut the car off. I scream into the steering wheel. What would Zachriel do if I backed out on the deal? I open and shut the door quietly. I tiptoe on the front stairs as quietly as I can to avoid them from creaking under my weight. I enter the house and walk into the kitchen. Bobby, Dean, Sam, and Castiel are sitting around the table.

         I yawn, "Oh man. I went on a nightly stroll around the yard. I'm tired."

        Dean says, "I heard you leave with my Impala. Where did you go?"

        I ask, "Is it so bad to get some fresh air?"

        Sam looks worried. His eyes are bloodshot and his hair is messy.

        Sam stands up from his place at the table and says, "No but you could have told us or left a note about where you were going."

        Castiel asks, "Where did you go?"

        This is the moment where I have to either tell the truth or lie to my friends.

        Remember our deal, Elizabeth.

        I sigh, "I needed to think. Okay? I'm going through a lot."

        I pause, trying to make myself cry and it works. Tears flow down my cheeks at a rapid pace.

        I cry, "I don't want to deal with this anymore. It's hard. You don't understand. I don't remember anything. I know my memories are somewhere but just... Unreachable.."

       Dean hands me a tissue.

       Sam says, "Come on. Let's get you to bed."

        Sam walks with me to the guest bedroom. I lay down on my bed and he covers my cold, fragile body with the heavy quilt. He sits down on the side of my bed and sighs.

        "Liz, I want to tell you something."

        I know what he wanted to tell me but I don't want to let him express his feelings. Even though I have to break his heart anyway.

        I say, "Sam, can we talk later? I'm really tired."

        Sam nods his head and heads to the door. He looks back at me once more and gives me a sad smile. I know I hurt him which I am not proud of. Sam leaves my room and he heads downstairs.

        Don't try to make him hate you. We made a deal.

        I sigh, "Yes, I know we made a deal. Just go away, please!"

        Zachriel doesn't reply, but I feel he's still here with me in the darkness. I cry myself to sleep knowing I have to hurt both of the boys I care deeply for.

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