Chapter 4: Angel?

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        I tell Bobby, Dean, Sam, and Cas all about my dream. I understand it was a dream but strangely, it felt vivid and real. They all looked at me with blank expressions.

        I ask, "So, what do you think she's doing?"

        Cas says, "We know she's an angel."

        I gasp, "What? An angel?  I thought I had enough craziness for a while."

       Sam smiles, "Trust me, there's more where that comes from. If she had wings, there's a great possibility she's an angel. And she admitted to taking your memory away."

        Dean asks, "Cas, can't you go on Angel radio, and see if you can find anything? Or go to Heaven?"

        Cas says, "I can try. But without the name, it will be hard. Are you sure she didn't tell you her name?"

        I shake my head, "She didn't. She explained to me that she took my memories and she said she would return them 'in time'. Whatever that means."

        Sam says, " In time? Isn't that like a book or movie?"

        Bobby says, "It could be."

        "What does that have anything to do with anything," I ask.

        "This angel could be giving you a clue. This clue could signify who she is or why she did it. So perhaps she said in time because of something you've once done," Bobby explains. 

        Dean says, "Or it could be nothing."

        Cas says, "Okay, I'll search for any clues, and you guys do research of your own."

        With a blink of the eye, Cas disappeared. I guess angels can vanish like that. I have to start being accustomed to this peculiar events.

        Dean agrees, "Bobby and I wil go to the library to look for books on angels because I'm sure they have more of a selection. Unless Sam wants to go, libraries aren't my thing."

        "No, you go. I'll be fine," Sam looks at me, "We'll be fine."


        After Dean and Bobby left to find clues about the angel, I sat down on Bobby's couch and flipped through the TV channels when a cooking show appeared. Most of my memories might be gone but I'm sure cooking shows aren't my 'cup of tea'.

        Sam sits down next to me and asks, "Want anything to drink?"

        I thought about it. I am not sure what I disliked, but I know I am old enough to drink some beer. Bobby said I was in my mid-20's. I ask for a soda because I'm not sure if I drink or if I like alcohol or if there is any here.

       Sam enters the kitchen to grab us some drinks. Sam is tall with a muscular figure to him. He has brown eyes and brown hair. His hair was down to his ears, not super long but not super short either.

        Sam returns with an open soda for me.

        Sam laughs, "You like cooking shows?"

        I joke, "Totally."

       Sam looks at me with a weird expression, waiting for my reply. I start to think he took my joke seriously.

        "I'm kidding. I was flipping through channels and this came on. I don't remember what TV shows I like, remember," I ask, laughing.

        Sam frowns, "Oh yeah. Sorry."

        I smile, "Sorry for what? You didn't do anything."

        Sam says, "I didn't mean to bring it up."

        I reply, "It's alright."

        Sam and I grew bored very quickly. In a short amount of time, Sam and I began cooking in Bobby's kitchen, following a recipe we saw on the cooking show. The recipe is Frozen Grasshopper Pie. It looks delicious and since Dean loves pie, he'd be happy too.

       Mixing the ingredients together, mini marshmallows fell to the floor and all over the counter. I accidentally flung whipped cream at Sam when I was beating the cream off the spatula. I stood there in a fit of laughter because the whipped cream landed on the side of his face. Sam began throwing whipped cream back at me. After Sam decided enough is enough, we put the pie in the freezer and told each other to take the pie out in about six hours. I clean the marshmallows and whipped cream while Sam started to help. Sam's phone rang, it is Dean.

        Sam is still laughing, "Hello."

        Sam has his phone on speaker so I heard Dean.

        "What are you laughing at," Dean questions.

        I reply, trying to stifle a laugh, "Nothing."

        Dean scoffs, "Anyways, we didn't find much. We'll be home in an hour. Anything you guys want to eat?"

        I think quickly of any food that sounds tempting at the moment.

        Sam shrugs, "I don't really care for anything. Maybe a hot pocket."

        I said, "Do you know the candy, Jolly Ranchers?"

        On the TV they were advertising jolly ranchers, and they look appetizing.

        Dean laughs, "Yes."

        I exclaim, "I'd like them please!"

        Sam ends the call and after we clean the kitchen from our mess, Sam goes outside because he had to look something that Dean texted him about. I decide to take a shower because I want to get the whipped cream out of my hair. In the shower, I start to wash my hair when I hear the front door slam, I figure Sam must be back in the house.

       After my shower, I put on the same clothes and ran downstairs, expecting to see Sam but he was nowhere in sight. 

        I yell, "Sam?"

        I realized that somebody came in and I heard no one leave. Being precautious, I wanted to grab a type of weapon in case a stranger is in the house. I see a gun in the corner of the room but I am inexperienced with guns or I just can't remember how to use them. Then I see a wooden baseball bat and grab it and begin to search the house.

        I yelled, "Sam, are you in here?"

        I smell an odd smell when I hear someone on the front porch steps. I quickly look out the window and I don't see the Impala anywhere. I think that the person I hear is dangerous. I hid in the mini hallway and when I heard the footsteps getting louder, I swung my bat and heard a sickening thwack.

        Anxious, I move around to see who I hit and I see that Sam was lying on the floor, groaning.

        I exclaim, "Oh my. I'm so sorry. Sam, are you okay?"

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