Chapter 17: Clyde, New Jersey

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        The coordinates Crowley left us, leads us to a small town called Clyde, New Jersey. We decide to travel there today. There is only one warehouse surrounding the town so we've decided to check that out first.

        Dean says, "Let's go, Sam. Bobby, are you coming with us?"

       Bobby sighs, "I would, but someone called and they need some information. Sorry, you'll have to do this alone."

      Dean nods, "Okay, see ya later Bobby."

      Sam and Dean start walking to the door to leave. Katelyn and I begin to follow before Dean stops us.

       "Whoa whoa whoa. Where do you think you're going?"

        I laugh, "With you two."

       Dean throws on his jacket, that he once told me it belonged to his father. He has bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept lately.

       Sam joins in, "Katelyn, and you aren't going it's too dangerous."

        "And? What about you two," I ask.

        Dean says, "We'll be fine."

        I stammer, "We are going with you two. If we didn't want to get hurt, we wouldn't have started hunting in the first place. Now let's head out the door and go get Randy."

       Dean fires back, "This isn't your fight.."

        I scoff, "Excuse me? This isn't my fight?  You don't even know Randy, so of course, it's my fight."

        Katelyn coughs, "Excuse me? Our fight."

        I agree, "Our fight."

        Dean declares, "You aren't going and that's final. You won't do us any good dead would you?"

        I mention, "Same with you."

        Sam says, "I personally think..."

        "Shut up Sam," Dean and I say together.

        Dean glares at me with his gorgeous green eyes.

        I glare right back at Dean, and he doesn't budge.

        I sigh, "Just let us go. Alright? We need to get there."

        Dean shrugs, "Oh fine."

        I laugh, "Thanks, Dean. I'll drive."

        "Oh no, you won't," Dean said.

        I giggle, "We'll see about that."

        I grab the car keys from Dean's pocket and race out the door. I open the driver's side door and get into the Impala. I facepalm in my mind. What am I doing? This is a serious matter and I'm acting like a teenager in High School. Am I doing what Zachriel asked me to do? Dean, Sam, and Katelyn walk outside and Dean shakes his head at me. 

        Dean says, "Not happening."

        I laugh, "Get in the passenger seat, please."

        Sam sits down in the backseat with Katelyn, both are smiling at Dean's reluctance to let me drive the Impala. Dean gets into the passenger seat and stares at me.

        He says, "If you hurt my baby..."

        I laugh and start up the car to drown out his empty threats. We leave the driveway, turning left like the GPS said. The whole way down this road, Dean screams at me.

        "Don't crash my car, Liz. Don't crash it. Keep your eyes on the road."

        I laugh, "Don't worry I'm not going to crash your car."

        I begin to think about Randy and Castiel. Where is Cas? Shouldn't he be here trying to help us?

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