Chapter 10: Castiel

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        I open my eyes and see a large open area that is all white. No one is around. I can't recall what happened.

        I yell, "Dean? Sam? Elizabeth? Anybody here?"

       Wide doors swing open, and a woman is standing in front of them now, with two despicable creatures behind her.

        The woman said, "Hello, Castiel. I'm the angel who took Elizabeth's memory away. My name is Zachriel."

        Zachriel? The angel who governs memories. I can't understand why I didn't think of this before now. 

       I ask, "Couldn't find a male vessel?"

      Zachriel explains, "I was unable to find one. She was the only vessel close enough. I picked her."

       I ask, "Why are you associating with demons?"

        Zachriel smirks, "Castiel, I could ask you many questions. Why are you with the Winchesters? Why didn't you take head Angel when you had the chance?"

        I say, "I asked you first."

        Zachriel explained, "Well, you see. Demons are on Earth with humans more than I am. So they can do my dirty work."

        I examine this poor woman's body. I always thought Zachriel was good, not evil.

        I demand, "Why did you take away Elizabeth's memory?"        

        Zachriel asks, "You mean, why did I take away a lot of peoples memory? It's simple really. I'm creating an army."

        I say, "Here we go again."

        Zachriel continues, "I plan to take many people's memories away. I have a witch putting spells on them so when I say a certain sentence, they'll bow down to me. I need an army to wipe these inferior humans off Earth. After my minions, demons, and angels, that are on my side, kill every human, we will repopulate the Earth. With Hybrids, part demon, part angels, and part human. The ultimate weapons and they can go to Heaven, Hell, Earth, whichever they choose. I'll be the new God."

        I ask, "What does memory erasing have to do with this?"

        Zachriel chuckles, "I don't want the humans I recruit to be sad when they join my family and are forced to kill their family and friends. I will assign them to kill everyone they know and love. Torture is a fair game. Your buddy, Crowley, is working with me too. While you are here, I'm sending him to throw off Dean, Sam, and Elizabeth by telling them something ridiculous. As you know, Elizabeth had a dream. Me, telling her a brief description of what's going on... I'm rooting for Sam and Elizabeth. Who are you rooting for? I am baffled that both Winchester brothers like Elizabeth. It's priceless."

        I ask, "So, what are you going to do with me?"

        Zachriel says, "Let you go."

        I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I expect Zachriel to hold me hostage for leverage or something.

        I ask, "What's the catch?"

        Zachriel smiles, "Nothing. I want you to return to Earth, and tell the Winchester's everything. Simple as that."

        I start, "That's st.."

        Something hard and cold hits me in the back of the head and I pass out.


        I wake up in an ally, surrounded by trash. I don't know what happened and how I got here but I know what I have to do. I appear in a motel room. There are two men and a woman in the room. The taller one is watching TV when he looks in my direction. He jumps off the couch and exclaims, 


        All my memories came rushing back.

        I say, "Sam! Dean! I know who took Elizabeth's memory."

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