Chapter 11: I'm Crazy

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        Castiel is back and he tells us everything that happened to him while he was gone. He explains why I lost my memory.

        Sam says, "So Crowley lied to us?

        Dean shrugs, "Not the first time."

        I ask, "Guys?"

        Dean asks, "Why would he let you go if he knew you would tell us?"

        Castiel says, "He wanted me to tell you guys."

        Sam says, "That's not good. We should get back to Bobby's so she'll be safe."

        I yell, "Guys! Listen. I don't need nor want protection. I don't want to bail on this job. Let's go to Illinois and hunt this monster down. Then we'll figure this out."

        Dean explains, "No, it's not safe. This angel guy wanted us to know... For some reason."

        I shrug, "I don't feel any different."

        Sam says, "Let's get our stuff together and get to Bobby's."


        We are in Impala, driving back to Bobby's house in Sioux Falls, which isn't that far. I feel angry that we can't do the job we were on our way to do. Sam looks worried which I don't see why. I'm fine.

        Dean asks, "Castiel, did he tell you anything else?"

        Cas looks like he's hiding something but he doesn't say anything. I am sitting in the back seat leaning against the door when my vision darkens.

        "Hello, Elizabeth," says a voice.

        I scream, "Where am I?"

        "A dream, my dear."

        I ask, "Are you Zachriel?"

        The voice answers, "Yes, now listen we don't have much time."

        Zachriel continues, "I don't want you to tell your friends about this meeting. But tonight when everyone else in the house is sleeping. Sneak out, steal Dean's car keys, and start his car and drive to a warehouse."

        He gave me the address of the warehouse.

        I demand, "And why should I do that?"

        Zachriel booms, "I will kill Dean and Sam. I will rip out their lungs and serve them on a platter to you. Do I make myself clear?"

        I whimper, "Yes."

        Zachriel smirks, "Very well, see you tonight Liz."


        When I jolt back to consciousness, I realize I'm on Bobby's couch. Everyone is sitting around me.

        Bobby asks, "Liz, you alright? We thought you were sleeping but you didn't wake up."

        I nod, "Yeah, my head was just spinning because of everything that's going on."

        I want to tell everyone, but I didn't want Dean and Sam to be killed. 

        You love them both.

        I say, "What?"

        Dean looks at me and asks, "No one said anything. Are you sure you're okay?"

        I force a laugh, "Yeah, I'm sure."

        I swear I just heard a voice, and it sounded very familiar.

        Yes, it is very familiar.

        I scream, "Leave me alone."

        Sam jumps, "Liz, what is it?"

        I say, "Nothing, I just.. I felt a spider crawling on my arm, but it's nothing. Just my imagination."

        Sam says, "Okay, do you want to go lie down?"

        I sigh, "Sure."

        I grab my bag of clothes and trudge upstairs. I reach the guest bedroom and set my clothes in the closet and take off my boots and put them in the closet as well. I jump into bed and lie there while I ask myself if I'm crazy.

        You aren't crazy. It's me. Zachriel.        

        I whisper, "Leave me alone."

        There is silence. How is Zachriel communicating with me while I am awake? He only has done it while I'm sleeping. 

       Good choice for not telling them where you're going tonight.

        I say, "Well, I don't want them to die."

        I realize that if Sam, Dean, Cas, or Bobby hear me, they'll think I'm crazy since I'm speaking aloud to myself.

        I ask, "What did you mean 'I love them both'?

        You love both Sam and Dean.

        I say, "No I only like Sam."

        As soon as I said that, I covered my mouth hoping no one heard what I just said. 

        "I hope they didn't hear me."

        They didn't hear you. They are busy worrying about you, and the war. Anyways keep telling yourself that you only love Sam. I can read your thoughts and your feelings. I know that you love them both. I hope you know they love you too.

        I ask, "Both of them love me?"

        Dean wants a relationship between you and Sam so he won't feel tied down to you since he likes you too. He thinks you're amazing but it wouldn't be good if both Winchester brothers loved you. They would fight like cats and dogs. And that's exactly why I had Dean and Sam find you. I have a quest for you. But I'll talk about it tonight at the warehouse.

        I nod, "Okay."

        Zachriel didn't respond. I want to tell Sam what's going on. I want to tell Dean. I want to tell someone but if I do, I'd risk their lives.

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