Chapter 6: Holding Them Back

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        Dean sits at the table and his eyes widen as he looks at the pie container I remove from the freezer. Upon sitting the pie down, he quickly grabs a piece and starts to eat it before I tell him what the dessert is.

        I laugh, "It's called Frozen Grasshopper Pie. If you wanted to know."

        He says, "I'm glad you and Sam watched the cooking show."

        Dean starts laughing again and this time Bobby just stood there.

        Bobby asks, "Now on to serious matters. I wonder what Cas has come up with. Should we call him?"

        Dean says between bites of pie, "No, he's probably in Heaven."

        Sam says, "Anyways, did you guys come up with anything useful?"

        Bobby says, "Not really. We found a few descriptions of angels, and they kind of go with Elizabeth's description, but we can't be sure."

        I question, "Why not?"

        Bobby says, "We don't have a lot of facts to lean on."

        Sam says, "Exactly. So we don't even know Castiel will find anything!"

        I take a plate from the cupboard and give myself, Sam, and Bobby some of the pie before Dean eats it all. I shove a piece in my mouth and chew slowly. I love this recipe and make a mental note to remember this recipe, good think Sam and I wrote it down.

        I say, "This is delicious. We should make our own cooking show."

        Sam smiles, "Yeah, we should. It could be called, 'Hunters Guide to Cooking'."

        We all laugh at the unreachable dream. I start feeling a pit in my stomach, is this homesickness? I don't even remember my home and if I'm a hunter, I move from place to place often. Maybe I miss my old life.


        I lie in the warm, comfortable bed and I want to sleep but I was restless. I had too much energy. I stood up and walked around the bedroom. There is a closet which is empty except for my extra pair of boots. I need to do something with my life especially if I possess this much energy at eleven o'clock at night. Maybe I should go for a run to waste my energy. Maybe Sam or Dean could teach me the basics of hunting again.

       I walk downstairs and look in the living room, it stands empty. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. The voices belonged to Bobby, Dean and Sam. I don't want to eavesdrop until I hear my name.

        Dean is saying, ".... Elizabeth has to go for now. Sam and I have jobs to do, and Bobby I'm sure you do too."

        Sam says, "She doesn't have a place to go."

        Bobby says, "Sam's right. She needs somewhere to stay until she gets her memory back."

        Dean replies, "I know she needs a place to stay but we need to return to our jobs too. I read the latest news and some killed his family, and swore up and down he wasn't there. Also, his friend even vouched for him. In Ames, Iowa."

        Bobby sighs, "Also Dean is right. I'm not sure what to say it's your call."

        Sam says, "We sh.."

        I know I should ignore the conversation and not think too much of it because it's true, they should return to their normal lives before I came. I just felt betrayed.

        I interrupt, "I didn't think I was holding you back."

        Sam, Bobby, and Dean look at me. I feel tears swelling up in my eyes and soon they fell down my cheeks in a hurry to reach the floor. Sam stands up and walks towards me.

        "Elizabeth, he... We didn't mean it like that."

         I push him away, "No, I'll leave. If you don't want to be 'held back' why bother picking me up that day?"

        I rush upstairs to the guest bedroom and cry silently.


        Later, I hear the creak of the stairs. I lied in my bed, pretending to be asleep. The door squeaks open and I hear footsteps approaching and a voice adds, 

        "I know you're not sleeping."

        It is Sam.

       I turn over to face the wall. Tears well up in my eyes again and for a moment, I question why I am crying. These are complete strangers so why do I care that they don't want to waste their time helping me anymore?

        I sigh, "I.. You can go. I'll leave in the morning. I'll find a motel to stay in, and start from there."

        Sam sits on the bed and sighs too, "Elizabeth we didn't mean that. We know we should get back to work but we don't want to leave you at a time like this.

       I sit up and tears fall quickly.

      I cry, "I don't care. I get it, you want to return to your job and not worry about me.

      Sam looks at me and says, "We didn't mean it."

       I sniff, "Okay, what did you mean?"

        Sam says, "I told you."

        I try to stop crying but I couldn't. Tears keep flowing from my eyes, like a waterfall. I lean into Sam and Sam hugs me. This embrace makes me feel better because I gradually quit crying.

        I chuckle, "Thank you for everything. I'm sorry for acting like a teenager. I don't want to be a bother. But if you four wouldn't be helping me, I could be in some serious trouble.

        Sam said, "You're welcome."

        I didn't want Sam to leave nor did I want the hug to end. I slowly feel myself starting to drift off to sleep. Sam lied me down and covered me with the blanket. I turn over in my bed and smile, I'm grateful they found me.

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