Chapter 7: King of Hell

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        I wake up and stretch. I feel tired but I am unable to fall back to sleep. I check the alarm clock and it's 7 A.M. I stand from my the bed and walk downstairs. Sam is sleeping on the couch and he's snoring. I laugh at the noises Sam's making. I enter the kitchen and see Dean sitting at the table with a beer in his hand and reading the paper.

       He looks up and says, "Elizabeth, I didn't mea.."

      I smile, "Don't worry about it. I understand."

     I don't want Dean to feel bad because he helped me in this whole situation. I should be grateful and I am. 

        Dean lights up, "Really?"

        I say, "Yes, last night I realized that you're a hunter... I mean.. We are hunters. We should stick with hunting."

       Dean stands up and grabs a beer from the refrigerator and hands one to me. It is early in the morning but I take the beer and drink it. I sit down at the table. Dean continues to read the newspaper before saying, 

       "This is boring. No wonder why I like Sam to research."

        I laugh, "Well, I guess he likes boring."

        I take another drink and I never realized how foul beer is. It could be because I just brushed my teeth.

        Dean asks, "What's wrong?"

        He analyzed my face, seeing my expression after I came to the conclusion that beer and toothpaste don't mix.

        I laugh, "I just brushed my teeth."

        Dean chuckles when Sam shuffles into the room, looking really tired. He walks to the coffee pot and pours some coffee into a mug.

        Dean says, "I'm going to the store to buy some pie. I think you could use an energy drink, Sam."

        Sam mumbles, "No, I... I'm fine."

        Dean puts his jacket on and grabs his keys.

       Dean asks, "Want anything, Liz?"

        I reply, "Some more jolly ranchers, please!"

       "Will do," Dean says while laughing.

        Dean leaves the house and not much longer, I hear the hum of the Impala. The noise of the car gets further and further away as time goes on. Sam and I sit in silence for awhile. Sipping our drinks. I finally break the silence.

        "When did you get to bed?"

        Sam yawns, "I fell asleep with you, but it was uncomfortable. So, I came downstairs, and I didn't get any sleep because my neck hurt."

        I smile, "Poor baby!"

        Sam sets his mug down, loudly, and glares at me.

        I laugh, "I was joking. Well, I'm sorry my useless crying made your neck hurt."

        Sam says, "It wasn't you, it was the bed."

       We sit in silence for a while longer. I stand up to throw my empty beer bottle away. I head to the living room until I smell a weird aroma. It smells like rotten eggs. This is the smell I smelled before hitting Sam in the head with the baseball bat but I never had time to think about what it was until now.

        I plug my nose and chuckle, "Sam, not being rude. But did you fart?"

        Sam's eyes widen and he replies, "No. Why?"

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