Chapter 19: Let's go

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        We arrive in Clyde, New Jersey and I start to feel more anxious. Katelyn drives to a motel and we all leave the car, grabbing our bags. I walk up the steps to the door when I hear a strange noise. It sounds like a strangled scream.

        I hiss, "Dean, give me your gun."        

        Dean asks, "What?"

       I hear the scream again and grab Dean's gun from his waistband. I make my way towards the noise, to the back of the motel. I don't see anyone, am I going crazy?

        Someone says, "Liz?"

        I jump and cock the gun. I swivel around and see Dean standing a few feet away. I let out a long sigh. Dean snatches the gun away from me. I know he's furious by the look in his eyes.

        Dean says, "Are you crazy? Someone could have seen you with that gun! What did you hear anyway?"

        I shake my head, "Nothing."

        He says through clenched teeth, "If you ever pull a stunt like that again. I swear I'll.."

        "You'll what? Murder me," I interrupt.

        Dean declares, "Don't tempt me."

        He shakes his head and turns around to walk toward the car and our bags. I grab the back of his leather jacket.

        I yell, "I'm tired of getting pushed around by you, Dean."

        He stops and turns around. I try not to cower under his glare and I stand taller, wanting him to listen to what I have to say.

        Dean smirks, "When have I ever pushed you around?"

        I throw my hands up in frustration, "First you don't want us to come along and now you're threatening me because I heard something."

        Dean laughs, "That's what this is about?"

       He stands there with a patronizing smile. I want no more than to smack him.

       I ask, "What's so funny? Why are you treating me like I'm some baby?"

       Dean responds, "You and Katelyn are my responsibilities."

       "We are adults, we came on this trip to save a friend and to get the hell out of your hair," I fire back.

        "You think I want you guys to leave? Do you think Sam does," Dean asks.

        I am unable to think of something else to say. Both Dean and I stand there until I gather the courage to start walking away. When Dean and I are standing shoulder to shoulder, I quietly say,

       "I don't want to leave either."

       I try to leave but I feel Dean grab my hand to stop me. I look at him and I can't bring myself to take back my hand. I walk back to Dean and we hug. He pulls away from the embrace and kisses me.

        "Dean we need the credit..."

        We let go of each other. Sam stares at us in disbelief. He angrily walks away. I can't believe what just happened, is this what Zachriel wanted me to do? How can I do this to Katelyn, who likes Dean? And Randy? And Dean? And what about Sam? I chase Sam, leaving Dean in the back of the motel. He is sitting in Impala and is starting it. I rush to the car and try to talk to Sam through the open window.

        I whimper, "Sam... I'm sorry."

        Sam yells, "Sorry? Are you sorry? That's nice. You should have thought of that before you kissed my brother."

        He quickly reverses the Impala and speeds away. How stupid can I be? How can I expect him to forgive me for doing something so despicable? Katelyn is waiting by the motel door. She looks angry.

        Katelyn asks, "How could you do that? I thought you were happy with Sam... Not Dean... We are in New Jersey to get Randy back, not for you to finesse every man here."

       I cry, "I know an apology is stupid, but I'm truly sorry. I don't know what came over me. I can't be with these boys anymore. Zachriel is right, I care for both of them too much. If I stay, I'm going to make Zachriel's plan go into effect."

        Katelyn asks, "What?"

        I sob, "Zachriel told me to try something to make Sam and Dean angry at one another. He suggested to split them up with my feelings for both of them."

        Katelyn narrows her eyes, "We have to tell Dean. It still doesn't change how mad, I am at you."

        I follow Katelyn into the motel and we see Dean sitting in a chair. Broken glass littered the floor and Dean looks broken.

        Dean demands, "Why'd you do that?"

        He throws his glass of whiskey at the door behind me.

        I fling my arms up in the air and run to the bathroom and slam the door shut. I silently cry and slide down the bathroom door. Minutes later, there is a knock at the door and Dean is pleading with me to come out. I wipe the tears from my eyes and stand up. I sigh and open the door to see Dean and Katelyn standing there.

        Dean asks, "Why didn't you tell us about Zachriel sooner?"

        I whisper, "I couldn't. He threatened to kill my friends and family. It's probably the reason he kidnapped Randy."

       Sam walks in the door and pulls out his laptop from his bag. Dean and Katelyn walk to the kitchen table and sit down with him. I stand, leaning against the bathroom's door frame while they discuss the location of the warehouse we believe Randy is located. Katelyn walks back to me and tells me that Dean called Sam while I was in the bathroom and told him everything. She returns back to the table. I don't feel the need to sit at the table because Sam is still angry with me, understandably so. I sit on the floor with my head against the bathroom wall until I hear Dean.

       "We got the warehouse?"

       Sam nods, "Yes. Let's go."

       I grab my jacket and leave with everyone else. Katelyn sits in the passenger seat and Dean is driving. Sam and I sit in the back. Sam doesn't look at me, once. He gives Dean directions while I hold my tears. Hold on Randy, we're coming.


        The warehouse isn't far from the motel. We all hop out of the car.

        Dean says, "We need a plan."

        I nod, "I have a plan, just follow my lead."

        Katelyn disagrees, "No."

        I plead, "Please."

        Dean hesitates, "Okay."

        Katelyn and Sam give Dean questioning glances. I tell Dean and Sam to walk through the back entrance and Katelyn and I will walk through the front entrance. After discussing the rest of the plan, it's time to head out. I expect Sam to tell me to be safe but he walks away with Dean, without saying one word to me. 

        I open the door and it lets out a loud groan. I switch the flashlight on and shine it into the dark, damp warehouse. Katelyn and I make our way down a long hallway. We come to an intersection and I turn right, instinctively. We hear laughter and then a scream. Double doors are located at the end of this hall and light shines through the windows of the doors.

        I whisper, "Do you think he's in there?"

        Katelyn says, "We won't know unless we look."

        I tiptoe to the door and slowly open it. Katelyn is walking right next to me when I see her slump to the floor. Katelyn lies at my feet, unconscious.

        I scream, "Katelyn!" 

       I turn around and a shovel hits me, knocking me out.

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