Chapter 2: Bobby Singer

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        The next morning, I wake up to Sam gently shaking me and call my name. I toss and turn in my bed, opposed to the idea of starting the day. 

        I groan, "Huh?"

        Sam said, "Time to get up."

        I sit up and notice Sam, trying to stifle a laugh.

        I ask, "What's so funny?"

        Sam smiles, with a guilty look on his face, "Nothing."

       I walk into the small motel bathroom and glance in the mirror. I notice my hair that looks majorly disheveled. I peer my head out the door and say, "Is this what you were laughing at?"

        Sam grins, "Yes!"

       I return to the bathroom and wash my hair, so I'd have an easier time brushing my mangled mane. I decide to joke around too and spinning out of the bathroom, I shake out my hair, saying, "That better?"

        Sam and I laugh, while he packs his bag. 

        Later, we all decide to grab breakfast at a local restaurant. Cas stays in the Impala for some odd reason. I order hash browns, eggs, and toast. Sam orders sausage and pancakes and Dean orders a piece of pie, pancakes, and eggs. After the waitress gives us our meals, Sam and I eat our meals slowly while Dean devours his pie.

        I joke, "Dean, I have an important question to ask you."

        Dean said with a mouthful of pie, "Okay."

        I laugh, "That pie must be disgusting, right?"

        Dean swallows, "Oh, please. I love this pie!"

        I burst out laughing as Dean finishes his pie.       

        After finishing our breakfast, Dean pays the bill. I am the first one out of the restaurant and into the Impala, sliding in right next to Cas.

        I asked, "Why aren't you hungry?"

        Cas said, "Because I'm an an.."

        Sam interrupts, "He is... A. Not hungry."

        I accept the answer, too eager to arrive at Bobby's house and figure out who I actually am and return to my family if I have a family.


        I open my eyes slightly after falling asleep and overhear the guys having a conversation. I didn't want to interrupt them so I try to fall back to sleep.

        Cas asked, "Why can't she know? A lot of people you've met found out."

        Sam said, "I don't want it to ruin this girls life."

        Dean said, "He's got a point, Cas. We don't even know what or who she is."

        Sam said, "She's a girl, Dean. She's being truthful."

        Cas asked, "How do you know?"

        Sam said, "I just know."

        In my mind, I try to reason with myself that they aren't talking about me but, obviously, they are. At least Sam believed that I was who I said I was and I wasn't lying about anything. I began to stir so they knew to halt their conversation.

        Dean joked, "You're awake!"

        I chuckle. Even though we, all, just met, I'm glad this car ride wasn't awkward and silent just because I'm a relatively new person. I'm joyful they are friendly to me and are helping me.

       Later, we arrive at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This town is large. When Sam explained to me this is where their friend lived, I thought it was in Sioux Falls rather than at a place that looked like a junkyard. Driving further into the yard, I see a house and immediately realize this must be his house.

       Leaving the Impala, I stare at the house thinking it looked familiar. I knew there was no way these boys and I knew the exact same person. Dean touches my arm, and says, "Are you coming?"

        We walk up the steps to the door and Sam knocks on the door. Dean calls out his name and an aged man with a scruffy beard opens the door. I felt the same feeling I felt while examing his house but I couldn't put my finger on how I knew this man.

       I stammered, "Bobby Singer?"

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