Chapter 3: Monsters Are Real?

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        The four guys give me curious stares. Dean and Sam look surprised. I didn't look at Bobby again, instead, I look around his house and I know I've been in his house before. I just can't remember when and why.

        Bobby says, "Liz?"

        I say, "I can't remember how I know you or when I met you. But I remember this place and you."

        Dean asks, "Bobby, you know her?"

        Bobby nods, "Yeah, she's a hunter, last time I knew."

        I laugh, "Like deer hunting? Uh, no thanks! I don't do blood."

        Bobby asks, "What's wrong with her?"

        "While driving down a highway, we found her, walking on the side of the road. She couldn't remember anything but soon she remembered her name. Some of her memory must be returning," Sam explains.

       I shake my head, I could not imagine myself holding a rifle and hunting deer or any other animal. Blood doesn't seem like something I'd be interested in being around.

        Bobby ask, "Liz, do you remember anything else?"

        I sigh, "Nothing. I don't know anything. Just you and my name. And these guys, but I've never met them before. I'm still not sure how I know you, but I just do."

        Bobby says, "What are you guys doing here?"

        Dean says, "Well, she wants her memory back, and we want to help her. She's lost, pretty much."

        Ignoring their conversations, I began to explore around his house again. I see stacks of books on his desk so I walk over, picking up one. It's a lore book and another one is a latin book. I look at the book that lies open on his desk and begin to read it.

        I ask, "What's this?"

        The title on the page said, "Latin Exorcism". I was wondering if Bobby was a professor in Latin language or something.

        Bobby explains, "It's an exorcism to exorcize demons."

        Hearing the word demon, I drop the book and it lands with a loud thump on the wooden floor. Sam, Dean, and Cas were talking about demons when they picked me up on the highway and now Bobby is. I gasp, "I knew you guys were crazy."

        Sam shouts, "Good one, Bobby!"

        Bobby, obviously confused, asks, "What?"

        Sam exclaims, "She doesn't remember her life, she doesn't know about the monsters we fight for a living. She has every right to think we're crazy."

        Dean hurries over and explains, "By a hunter, we mean a person who tracks down and kills monsters like demons, ghosts, and other things that you think are insane because you don't remember doing this."

       My head spins and I make my way to the couch and sit. What's going on? Demons? Ghosts? What 'other things'? 

        Sam sits down next to me and asks, "Are you okay?"


        Bobby, Dean, Sam, and Cas want to figure out what happened to me so Bobby let me rest in an upstairs guest bedroom. I read a Latin book, wanting to calm my nerves and not think too much about the events of the past couple days. After accepting what the guys were telling me, Sam walked me to this room and I took a long, deserving nap. After waking up for the second time, I fall back to sleep again.

        Laying on the cold cement, I try to look around but the dark encases my vision. I look up, expecting to see stars and the moon, I, however, see clouds hiding the shining orbs. A bright light shone from a different area in the sky and a woman appeared, with elegant, black wings, floating, more like flying, towards me.

        She said, "Child, I'm the one who took away your memory."

        I asked, "Why?"

        She wore a dress almost as dark as her wings.

        She said, "In time, you will find out. In time."

        I asked, "Can you at least give me my memories of my family and friends?"

        She said, "No, child. I can not. In time. Child. In time."

        I woke up, sweating, and I couldn't get her words out of my head, In time, child in time. 

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