Chapter 15: I'm Lucky

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        "You can't escape me, Elizabeth," Zachriel says.

        It is dark in this move and I try to move. My arms are restrained. A spotlight turns on and shines directly on me.

        I yell, "What do you want?"

        The spotlight shuts off and then a ceiling light turns on. I am in a white room. I am chained on to a metal operating table. A table to my left is full of different tools. A woman dressed in a black pantsuit is walking towards me, it's Zachriel.

        I ask, "What am I doing here? And where is 'here'?"

        Zachriel walks around the room. This dream is so realistic, but Zachriel says, "This is your dream."

        I ask, "What?"

       Zachriel explains, "I must talk with you. You've been blocking me from your dreams and I'm too busy to talk during the day. So, here we are!"

        Zachriel must have made me pass out just so he could talk to me. I try to break free from my restraints. If this is my dream perhaps I can take control.

        He must have read my mind because he says, "Don't worry, you can't break free. Unless I let you. Also, you are unable to wake up unless I let you out of those chains."

        I wait for him to speak, "Well?"

        Zachriel clears his throat, "Anyways, you're running out of time. Now you have Sam on your side, all you have to do is get Dean."

        I struggle, "I can't. I won't."

        Zachriel threatens, "Yes you will. I'll kill everyone you love."

        I answer, "You can't. You even told me you don't want to kill Sam and Dean."

       He smiles, "I told you that, yes. But I'll kill everyone you had in your life before you met Sam and Dean."

        He wouldn't. He promised me he wouldn't touch them... If I help him. That means Katelyn and Randy will be killed if I don't do what he says. I don't have all of my memories but I still don't want them to die. I have grown close with them in these last few days.

        Zachriel says, "I understand your silence. It's either your friends and family or Sam and Dean."

        I wake up and everyone is surrounding me. I am sweating and feel hot and sticky.


        Sam says, "You've been out for an hour. You just passed out. Are you sure you're alright?"

        I lie, "I just haven't been sleeping well. That including stress doesn't mix well."

        My excuse is a total lie, but I have to lie to them. It's either lying or losing my friends and family. Sam, Dean, and Bobby are my friends.

      Randy sits down next to me and says, "I agree with Sam. That's unusual."

       I chuckle, "We aren't usual! We hunt demons, angels, and other creatures that others don't even know exist. Trust me, you would know if something is unusual."

      Bobby asks, "Do you mind running out to the store Randy? Sam, Dean, and I have to get cracking this. We could use some more beer."

        I nod, "I'll go with."

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