Chapter 13: Katelyn and Randy

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        I wake up in the morning, feel better than the night before. I rush down the stairs and see Dean sitting at the kitchen table on his computer drinking a beer.

        I ask, "Did you sleep last night?"

        I study Dean and he has bags under his eyes. Also, his eyes are bloodshot. He has brown hair and beautiful green eyes. 

        Dean shrugs, "Not really. Too busy worrying about you."

        He rubs his face. I've picked up that means he's frustrated. How could I be so observant of him and never notice?

        I sigh, "Look, you don't have to worry about me. I'm totally fine."

        Dean chuckles, "I wish it'd be that simple. I do have to worry about you. You're my... I mean our responsibility until you get your memory back, then you can go out and boogie all night."

        I notice a necklace laying next to Dean's arm, it looks broken. I sit down next to him and tie the string together.

        I ask, "Who gave you this?"

        Dean says, "Thank you, I broke the string earlier and was too busy to fix it. Sam gave it to me when he was younger."

        The necklace is a distorted face with a set of bull horns. It is a gold or metallic color. I place the necklace around Dean's neck, situating the necklace so it lies just right. Dean smiles at me and thanks me. I stand up before anything else happens. I grab myself a beer and open it. I sit down next to Dean again.

        I ask, "So, where is everybody?"

        Dean says, "Sam and Bobby went to the grocery store to get some food and some pie, for me. Castiel left to go do some random angel business."

        I speak, "Oh, well.."

        I am interrupted by a knock on the front door. I stand up but Dean grabs me and states, "Stay here. I mean it."

       Dean grabs the gun from the kitchen table and loads it. He makes he way towards the front door. I don't listen to what he said and I follow him. He opens the door quickly and I see a man and a woman standing in the doorway.

        I ask, "Randy? Katelyn?"


        Sam and Bobby returned shortly after Katelyn and Randy arrived. Again, I'm not sure how I knew their names but like I said, my memories are still with me but just unreachable.

       When we invited them in, Randy gave me a big hug. The hug is comfortable, warm, and gentle. Katelyn hugs me, as well. Katelyn has brown hair, she curled it. She, also, wears glasses that were purple and black. Her eyes are green and her skin is olive toned. She possesses an attitude like she doesn't care what anyone thinks, like Dean. Randy has blonde hair and blue eyes, with light skin.

        Randy asks, "So, you lost your memory?"

        I nod.

        Dean asks, "So, how do you know each other?"

        Randy explains that we, all, hunted in a group. I went missing a little over a month ago and they've been trying to find me. They heard I was staying at Bobby Singer's place. I am his girlfriend and a good friend of Katelyn's. After hearing that, I glance over at Dean. I can't read his expression.

        Katelyn exclaims, "We've missed you so much!"

        Katelyn gives me another hug, but I pull back. I think about Dean and Sam, how their mom was killed by a demon. I want to know where my parents are if I have any.

        I ask, "Do I have parents?"

        Katelyn looks shocked and replies, "Demons killed your parents... You don't remember that, do you?"

        I gulp then Sam and Bobby come into the room. Bobby says, 

        "I know you two."

         Dean and I told Bobby and Sam, everything. We, both, left out the detail that Randy is my boyfriend.

         Katelyn asks, "So, are you ready to go?"

        By her question, I am caught off guard, "What?"

        Katelyn repeats, "Are you ready to go?"

        I look around at the people who have helped me so much in the past couple of week. Bobby looks happy to know that I've found people who know me. I am unable to read Dean's expression. I look at Sam, his eyes catch mine. He gives me a smile, but his eyes said it all.

        I shake my head, "No. I'm not leaving."

        Randy asks, "What?"

        I say, "I don't want to leave. If they want me to, then I guess I will. But I put these three in this mess and I plan to get them out of it. They've helped me through all of this."

       Sam smiles at me, he looks truly happy.

       Randy says, "Well, we didn't come all this for nothing."

       Bobby offers, "You can stay with us for awhile. I don't mind."

       Randy said, "Well thanks, Bobby. We'll take you up on the offer."

       Is it bad that I don't want these people to stay?


        Bobby, Dean, and Sam explain the whole story to Katelyn and Randy. They are in shock about the whole situation too, they are eager to put an end to this end of the world business. Randy claims he'll stay in my room. Katelyn says she'll stay down in the basement where a safe room is located. Later that night, everyone, besides Sam and I, heads to bed.

        Sam says, "I'm glad you have some friends to help you out with all this."

        I claim, "I had friends anyway."

        The silence between Sam and I is eerie.

        Tell him how you feel.

        I shook my head, there is no way I can. I just figured out, Randy is my boyfriend.

        We have a deal.

        I sigh, "Sam, there is something I want to tell you."

        Sam perks up, "Yeah?"

        I smile, "I really... Like you."

       On the outside, I smile, but on the inside, I'm having a panic attack. I can't do this, maybe I should tell him I mean as a friend. If I did, there is no telling what Zachriel would do if broke this deal. I try not to start blushing but my body's acting on its own. Sam's face lights up. I lean to him and we kiss. He pulls away first, and I hope we'll kiss again.

        Sam shakes his head, "I can't kiss you."

        I bite my lip, "Why not?"

        Sam sighs, "You have a totally different life. You can't tell me nothing ever happened between Randy and you. I think I'm going to bed."

        He leaves the room and I start to cry. How can I be so stupid? I should have known Sam isn't like that. I took advantage of him.

        You don't know how happy he was.

        I snap, "Shut up."

        I decide to go to bed, as well. I want to get some sleep and I would talk to Sam in the morning. Or maybe I'd wake up and all of this would be a dream.

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