Chapter 1: Who am I?

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I stand upon the moist ground. A sharp pain in my back and left shoulder causes me to wince. Looking around, I notice I'm located in a ditch. I try to remember what happened but my mind remains blank. I begin to walk down the long, winding road. I hope to find help and find clues about where I am and who I am.

An hour must have past when I hear an engine. I continue to walk, allowing my mind to race. I didn't want to bother a poor person. They probably would keep on driving anyways.

I keep walking and the vehicle comes near, I glance over my shoulder and see the brand and the color, a black Impala. Despite the old age, the car looks brand new, a little dirty. Through the windshield, I see three men who stare at me. I grow more scared as the car approaches. What was I thinking? Who knows what these people could do to a woman walking around alone? I don't them and they don't know me.

The car stops and the passenger rolls down their window.

"Are you okay?"

I reply hesitantly, "No, not really."

The man who's driving said, "Do you need a ride to the nearest town? You're hours from the next town, and you won't make it before dark on foot."

I said, contradicting what I said to the passenger, "I'm okay."

They start talking amongst themselves.

"Dean, we have to help her."

"Sammy, no. She could be a demon for all we know.

The man with black hair, in a tan trench coat, said, "Dean is right."

The guy named Sam said, "Shut up, Cas."

Sam exited the car and walked towards me. Scared, I started running. Thoughts raced through my mind, why did they think I was a demon? They're absolutely nuts.

Before noticing I was barefoot, I stepped on something sharp but I continued to run. I refused to look back afraid I'd trip on my own two feet. I made my way further down the ditch when I tripped and fell. I faded in and out of consciousness before passing out.


Waking up, I saw red spots in my vision. I began to blink rapidly, wishing these specks to disappear. I was sitting in the backseat of a car with three vaguely familiar men. After waking from my sleepy state, I remember the events that occurred earlier.

I start to scream and the man identified as Cas tries to calm me and tell me to be quiet but while flailing my arms, I end up punching him in the face. The car screeches to a halt and I waste no time, opening my door and making a run for it. The driver, Dean, grabs me and tells me to calm down.

Dean yelled, "We are trying to help you. You hit your head, and we are on our way to a hospital, so quit screaming."

I stop screaming, but I'm terrified of the unknown, "You guys are crazy. I'm not a demon. There are no such things."

Sam and Dean exchanged looks, and then Sam said, "We were joking, but let us help you."

Reluctantly, I returned to the car and apologized to Cas. The car is silent for what feels like hours until Sam speaks.

"What's your name," Sam asks in a soft, but curious voice.

I looked down at my feet, realizing they were wrapped in white gauge. I answer, "I don't know."

Cas said, "Odd. How doesn't she know?"

I said, "I don't know. I woke up on the side of the road not remembering anything. So, I start heading down the road, hoping my memory might come back to me."

Dean asked, "So what? You don't even know where you live?"

I said, "Nope."

I try to concentrate on names that may sound familiar but I am unable to think of any. I only remember the eventful day I had so far.

I think really hard, but the only memories of what happened were of today.

Dean started rattling off some names, "Samantha, Kendra, Ann, Maria, Paige.." When Dean says the name "Elizabeth", my mind clicks.

I said, "Yes."

Dean asked, "What?"

I said, "I don't know, but I think my name is Elizabeth. It just sounds right."

Cas said, "So, Elizabeth do you remember anything else?"

I said, "No, nothing."

The rest of the car ride is silent until we get to a town called Summerset, South Dakota.

Sam asked, "We are going to a motel to stay the night, and then we are going to our friend's house, Bobby's. He'll help us."

I nodded.

Soon we arrived at a little motel, and Dean checked us into our room. There were 2 beds, a T.V. and a little kitchen in the next room. And, of course, a bathroom.

I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a small oval face, with some freckles. My hair was blonde, with auburn highlights, my hair was really curly. I had baby blue eyes and long eyelashes. I think I was fairly pretty but placed on my forehead was a gash, possibly from falling in the ditch.

I washed my face, and hands and went outside of the bathroom. Dean looked at my head, and said, "Let's get you patched up."

He cleaned and tended to the deep scrape on my forehead, and he said that he would sleep on the floor, and I could have his bed. I laid down on the bed, and it was big and comfy. I must have been exhausted because I was asleep instantly.

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