Chapter 14: I Can't Calm Down

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       Katelyn walks into my room to wake me from my slumber. 

        I grumble, "What do you want? I'm sleeping."

        Katelyn laughs, "It doesn't look like it."

        I sit up, "Well, now I'm not."

        Katelyn smiles at me, and asks, "Can we go for a walk? I want to talk to you."

        I nod. I hop out of bed and go to the bathroom to change into a pair of jeans and a shirt. I step out of the bathroom and I start to brush my hair. I place my hair in a ponytail. I grab my black sweatshirt and threw it over my red t-shirt.

        We quietly make our way downstairs. I didn't notice that Randy isn't sleeping on the floor like he was last night after I went to bed. I open the front door to the warm August day. Katelyn walks ahead and I have to jog to catch up with her. For some reason, I can tell she's nervous about something. Katelyn stops and looks at the rising sun.

        She sighs, "I saw what you did."

        I ask, "What? Did what?"

        She turns to face me, "You kissed Sam!"

        At the time, I didn't realize anyone had been watching or awake, for that matter.

        I sigh, "I'm sorry. You don't understand. I've grown close to him over the time I've been with them."

        Katelyn angrily turns away. I don't understand, why does she care so much?

        Katelyn states, "You don't understand what we've gone through to find you. Randy almost died, twice for you! Same with me!"

        I look away, shocked. I didn't realize I put them through that much trouble. But I didn't know these people existed either.

        I sigh, "Look I'm sorry. I didn't realize I had people even looking for me. You must understand that I didn't remember I had a boyfriend and couldn't tell my brain to not like someone."

        Katelyn says, "You like Dean, as well."

        I laugh, "Dean?"

        Katelyn nods, "Yes, Dean."

        She seems hurt that I may or may not like Dean.

        "You like him, don't you?"

        Katelyn denies, "What? No."

        She starts to blush.

        I smile, "You like Dean!"

        Katelyn tries to be serious but she fails by breaking out into a huge smile.

        "Okay, maybe I do. But don't try changing the subject. You have a boyfriend who loves you so much, and you'd throw that away for someone you just met! He'd die for you! Like I said, he almost did! Twice!"

        I admit, "Yes, I do like them. Both of them. They helped me. Who knows what would have happened if they wouldn't have driven by that day? I could have been murdered! Or worse. Be in the hands of that angel."

        Katelyn nods, "I understand that I do. But you kissed Sam after you knew you had a boyfriend, that cares for you!"

        I choke, "I'm sorry."

        Katelyn sighs, "Don't get all crybaby on me. I'm just stating a fact. Make sure you figure out who you love before anything else happens. I don't want to be in the middle of a bad breakup between two of my best friends."

        I smile, "I'm not getting all crybaby on you."

        Katelyn chuckles, "You are. You're tearing up."

        We walk back to the house. I don't want to tell her why I have to flirt with Dean and Sam. The truth is, I still have feelings for both of them. But if I don't do what Zachriel says, people will die, because of me.


        It is awkward between Sam and I. Everyone can sense it too.

        Dean asks, "What's wrong with you two?"

        Before I can respond, Sam does.

        Sam shrugs, "Nothing. I feel sick."

        Dean looks at me, curiously, like asking me if Sam is telling the truth or not. I nod my head at Dean.

        Bobby asks, "Well, have you heard anything from the angel?"

        I want to tell the truth so I say, "No."

        I haven't heard from Zachriel since the night I kissed Sam. I know I haven't told them that Zachriel can speak to me in my head while I'm awake and can see what I'm doing.

        Dean says, "Well, is that normal?"

        I shrug, "I'm not sure. He used to talk to me multiple times a day."

        Sam asks, "Talked? He's been talking to you? And you haven't told us?"

        I instantly facepalm in my mind. I just began to think I haven't told them the complete truth and now, I've let it slip. Sam and Dean look irritated. Bobby is shaking his head at me and Randy and Katelyn look shocked.

        Bobby demands, "Why didn't you tell us?"

        I explain, "Look where it has got you guys so far!"

        Dean raises his voice, "If we didn't want to help, we wouldn't be helping."

        I match his pitch, "I don't think you'd ever willingly turn down someone in need of help. I made the decision for you."

        Dean and I stand face to face. I and everyone can feel the tension in the room. Mostly between Dean and I.

        Katelyn says, "Calm down, Elizabeth."        

        I shriek, "No!"

        I need to calm down but I am unable too. I'm tired of everybody pushing their way in to help me when I never asked for help. Or telling me to calm down and things will get better, because, newsflash, they haven't.

       I soften my voice, "I can't handle this. I have an angel in my head I can't get rid of. I have feelin.."

        I stop myself because then Randy would know I like Sam and Dean. I begin to cry and Katelyn moves over to me and tells me to stop crying. I can't stop. Thoughts run rampant in my mind. I lost the one guy I truly like. My friend, Katelyn, knows. Randy is on the sidelines for everything. And if I go through this 'quest', I'll hurt all of my friends. I look up and wipe my eyes. I realize one person is missing, Sam.

        I jump up and run outside because I hear the door slam shut. 

        I yell, "Sam?"

        I walk around some of the old cars and see Sam. Our eyes meet and he rushes up to me and hugs me. I hug him back. Sam's lips met mine. We slowly back away. Sam is genuinely smiling. The whole day, I feel my happiness radiating.

      Randy says, "I'm glad to see you so happy."

       I look over at Sam and smile at him, he smiles back at me. I want to tell Randy but I can't in front of everyone.

        Good Job Elizabeth. Now you have to get Dean, too.

        I scream, "Get out of my head!"

        I get an excruciating headache and fall to the ground. Everyone rushes to my side, asking if I am alright. My eyes start to feel heavy and I shut them before hearing:

        It's all going to be okay.

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