Chapter 5: You're Home

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        I move Sam to the couch so he could rest. He stayed sitting on the couch with an ice pack on his forehead. I repeat my apologies since I could not forgive myself, but Sam forgives me.

        I repeat, "Are you okay?"

        Sam chuckles, "Are you going to keep asking that?"

        I blush, "Well, I feel bad."

        Sam studies me for a while when our eyes met. I immediately look away. On the inside, I cringe at how awkward this situation is. 

        I say, "So. You still okay?"

        Sam laughs, "Yes. Ow."

        He grabs his head, grimacing in pain. I tell him to lay down on the couch. I joke that I'll hit him again with a baseball bat if he fell asleep. I grab a colder ice pack from the freezer and wrap a towel around the pack. I kneel down and lay it gently on his head.

        I smile at him and say, "You know if I ever have children, I'll learn better to put a bell on them, instead of hitting them upside the head with a baseball bat."

        Sam laughs, "Or maybe next time it will be a frying pan."

        I laugh so hard that I fall from my kneeling position beside Sam to rolling on the floor. Sam sits up and helps me back up.

        I sigh, "Oh my goodness. Thanks."

       He chuckles while I stand up to fix his ice pack.

        I ask, "Want anything to drink?"

        Sam says, "A beer."

        After grabbing two beers from the refrigerator, I turn the channel and a reality show is on the channel. Sam and I both give each other a look and I instantly turn the channel. The next channel is another cooking show.

        Sam says, "This looks good."

        He points to the picture of lemon cream cheese bars from the show. I hear someone laugh when I feel Sam turning quickly and I grab my bat from the end of the couch and I am about to swing when I see Bobby and Dean laughing at Sam and me.

        Sam says, "Oh you're home."

        He turns the channel quickly.

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