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Kensie's POV:

Today we're throwing Julia and Joe's birthday party. It's just going to be a small party with us, Cole's coming as well because Liv invited him. I couldn't really sleep last night because Josh and Anna were watching a movie in Josh's room and they kept laughing really loud. Josh's bedroom is right next to mine, Sofia, and Frankie's so I don't know how they slept last night, but I couldn't.

"Kensie! Do you know who's getting the cake?" Matt yells from outside.

I walk outside and see him at the bar outside sitting up plates and cups.

"I thought Kate was making one?" I say.

"Is she?" He asks.

"I'm pretty sure she is." I say.

"Oh, okay then." He says.

"Why do you seem so cranky anyways?" He asks while I sit down in one of the chairs in front of the bar.

"I hardly got any sleep last night." I say.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because Josh and Anna were watching a movie and they kept laughing all night." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Anna slept in Josh's room last night?" Matt asks with wide eyes.

"I guess." I say while shrugging my shoulders.

"I just don't understand why Josh is acting like this with these new girls in front of you." He says.

"I talked to him about his feelings for Anna and he told me he does like her." I say.

"Why would he tell you that?" Matt asks.

"Because I told him that he can talk to me about anything because we're friends." I say.

"Yeah, but Kensie. You still have feelings for him. I know that him being with Anna and when he talks about her hurts you. And I hate that for you." Matt says.

"I can't tell Josh who to like and who not to like." I say.

"I know, but you could tell him that you don't feel comfortable when he talks about her around you." He says.

"Then he would ask why and he would know I'm lying to him." I say.

"Why don't you just tell him the truth? He doesn't have that manager anymore so you two can get back together." He says.

"Because Matt, I've known Josh a lot longer than you. And I've never seen him look at anyone like he does Anna. He looks at her like she's the only girl in the world." I say.

"He looked at you like that too." He says.

"No he didn't. I don't even think he liked me that much." I say.

"Kensie, he loved you. He still loves you, but I think he's just afraid." He says.

"Afraid of what?" I ask.

"Maybe losing you again." He says.

"He didn't even lose me." I say.

"Hey guys! What times the party starting?" Josh asks while holding Anna's hand and walking over to us.

"Uhm, at like three." Matt says.

I don't say anything. What's there to say? The boy I love is standing in front of me with another girl holding her hand. I wonder if they've made it official?

"Sounds good!" Josh says before they walks towards some of the pool chairs and sit down.

I turn to look at Matt and he gives me a look of sympathy. I hate it when people do that, it always makes me feel worse than I already do.

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