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Kensie's POV:

Matt and Brookelynn's wedding is currently four days away. Everyone is getting really excited about it, but I can tell that Matt is nervous. It's definitely going to be a really emotional day, it's like my big brother getting married and I get to sing for them.

Josh's parents and Claire, his youngest sister,  are coming today, which I'm so excited about seeing them. I haven't seen them in a long time.

"I'm going to get my parents and Claire!" Josh yells from the front door.

"We'll be here!" Livvy yells.

We've been outside by the pool all day today. We'll swim for a while and then get out and lay in the pool chairs.

"Kens, do you think Josh's parents are going to like Anna?" Livvy asks.

"Yeah, I guess they will. They always support Josh and whoever he dates." I say.

"They're such good people." Livvy says.

"Yeah, they are." I say.

I feel my eyes starting to grow heavy so I close them to rest them.

"Is anyone here?" I hear from inside the house.

I wake up and look around and see I'm outside alone. Where did everyone go? I hear talking from inside the house, and I immediately hear familiar voices, I get up and walk inside.

"Kensie!" Taylor says when he sees me.

"Oh my gosh! It's been so long!" I say while running over to hug him.

"I know! How have you been?" He asks.

"I've been good!" I say.

"Do I not get a hug?" Laura asks.

"Of course you do!" I say while giving her a hug.

"I hope you've been watching out for Josh." She says.

"I mean he never listens." I say before laughing.

"Claire!" I yell while running over to her and giving her a hug.

"Kensie!" She yells back.

"I think Kensie is more excited about seeing you guys than she is seeing me." Josh says.

"I see you everyday Josh." I say.

"Yeah but you never get excited about seeing me." He says while pouting.

"You never get excited about seeing me either." I say.

"Yeah cause what's there to get excited about?" He says sarcastically.

My mouth goes wide and I stare at him. He starts laughing.

"I'm kidding Kens." He says trying to give me a hug.

I walk away from him and go into the living room. He follows me and tries to catch me, I start running away.

"Josh stop it!" I yell.

"Not until you give me a hug." He says.

I start running upstairs and run into my bedroom like I did the other night, I try to close my door quickly but he ran in before I could and he tackled me onto my bed.

He lays on top of me while we just look at each other and he brushes my hair out of my
face. We've been having a lot of these moments recently, and I kind of enjoy when we do.

"They've been like this since they were kids." I hear from the doorway. Josh gets off of me and helps me up off the bed. We look at Taylor, Laura, Claire, and Anna standing there. Anna looks really upset and hurt.

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