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Joshua's POV:

"So can you tell us anything about the new season?" My dad asks me.

I decided to take my parents, Claire, and Anna out to dinner tonight since my family hasn't really gotten to know Anna.

"Uhm, I think it's going to be like a love triangle. I don't really know that much more about it." I say.

"Let me guess, you're the guy that's in the triangle." My dad says.

"Yep!" I say.

"What's going on with you two?" My mom asks me and Anna.

"I thought you asked Kensie about that earlier." I say.

"I did, but Kensie said she doesn't know much about it." My mom says.

"Well, I think right now we're just trying to get to know each other better." I say.

"So you're not dating or anything?" My mom asks.

"Laura, why are you asking him all of these questions?" My dad asks.

"I just want to know what's going on in my only son's life." She says.

"No mom we're not dating." I say.

"Did you get to write any new songs for the show?" My dad asks me.

"Uhm yeah, me and Kensie actually wrote one together." I say.

"I can't wait to hear that!" He says while smiling at me.

I look over at Anna and I can tell she's upset that we're really only talking about Kensie, but I can't help it that my family loves her.

"Me and Anna actually sang a song together too." I say.

"That's nice!" My dad says.

"Are you two excited about the wedding?" My mom asks.

"Yeah! Me and Kensie's actually-" I start to say but I see Anna look at me and roll her eyes. She must be really annoyed that we keep on bringing up Kensie.

"You two are doing what?" Claire asks.

"We're singing Matt and Brookelynn's first dance song." I say.

"Aw, that's going to be so romantic!" My mom says.

"I think we should start heading back, it's already nine and I'm really tired." My dad says while yawning.

"Yeah, we can go. Let me just pay the check." I say while getting my wallet out.

"Josh, you don't have to do that. Let us do it." My dad says.

"No dad, this is my treat to you guys!" I say while giving the waiter my card.

After I get my card back we get in the car that my parents rented and start heading back to the house, it takes us ten minutes to get back home. My parents and Claire go inside, but I noticed Anna staying back.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Your parents don't like me." She says.

"What? Of course they do!" I say.

"No they don't. If you ask me, it sounds like they want you to be with Kensie. They're literally obsessed with her." Anna says while rolling her eyes.

"I really don't appreciate you talking about my parents like that, and they've known Kensie since she was born." I say.

"Josh, if Kensie was the one who said 'I'll go downstairs to sleep with Josh so one of you can have my bed' they wouldn't have a problem with that, but since it's me they have a problem." She says.

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