twenty four

517 15 2

Kensie's POV:

I woke up this morning with a cold, I can't breathe through my nose and I've had a headache since I got up. I've been up the past two hours, no one else has gotten up yet.

"Kensie, you look awful. What happened to you?" Frankie asks while walking downstairs.

"I'm sick." I say.

"You were fine yesterday, what happened?" Livvy asks while walking over to me and sitting next to me.

"I think it was because we were out pretty late last night and it was kind of cold, so now I have a cold." I say.

"That makes sense." Sofia says.

"We were planning on going to a water park today." Livvy says.

"You guys can still go, I'll be fine here by myself." I say.

"Are you sure? Because we can always reschedule." Sofia says.

"Yes. I want you guys to have fun, you shouldn't have to stay here with me." I say.

"I mean, I don't mind staying here with you Kens." Frankie says.

"Frankie, you're going to the water park." Livvy says.

"You all know how I feel about getting my hair wet." He says.

"Hey, why aren't you guys getting ready?" Lauren asks while she walks downstairs with Roman and Josh.

"Kensie's sick." Livvy says.

"What?" Josh asks while he runs over to me.

"Josh, calm down. It's just a cold." I say.

"Oh okay, she'll be fine in a couple days." He says.

"Kensie still wants us to go to the water park." Sofia says.

"What about you?" Roman asks.

"I'll stay here, you guys can go have fun." I say.

"I'll stay here with Kensie." Josh says.

"What? No Josh, you need to go have fun with everyone else not be stuck inside with me all day." I say.

"Maybe I want to be stuck inside with you all day." He says.

Everyone else in the room starts looking at each other and they start smiling.

"You're going to regret staying here with me." I say.

"No I'm not." He says while walking over to where Livvy was sitting and sits down next to me.

"Okay, well we need to go get ready." Lauren says.

"Why are you really staying here?" I ask.

"You need to be taken care of while you're sick." He says.

"I just have a cold." I say.

"I know, but you should be resting until you're better." He says.

"Whatever." I say while leaning my head back.

"Okay guys, we'll be back later!" Livvy tells us.

"We'll be here." Josh says.

They walk out the front door and then it was just me and Josh.

"Do you want to watch something on TV?" He asks.

"I guess." I say.

"Let me guess, you want to watch High School Musical 2?" He says while smiling at me.

"How did you know?" I ask sarcastically.

"Because you always want to watch the High School Musical movies when you're sick and the second one is your favorite." He says.

"You know me so well!" I say.

He turns it on and then walks back over to the couch and sits down.


"We should play Mario Kart." Josh suggests.

We've been watching old Disney Channel movies all day, we just got done watching Lemonade Mouth.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I say.

He turns on the Nintendo Switch in the living room and throws me a controller. We start the game, I don't really try my best and when Josh realizes that he pauses the game.

"You're not even trying." He says while turning to look at me.

"Yes I am!" I lie.

"No you're not, and it's not as much fun when you don't try you're best." He says.

"Fine." I say.

He starts the game again and we start yelling at each other.

"Josh! Quit putting me off the road!" I yell while pushing him.

"I can't help it if you get in my way." He says while laughing.

At the end of the game Josh starts jumping up and down and cheering while I pout on the couch, he looks over at me and stops cheering.

"Oh come on, don't pout." He says while sitting on the couch again.

I turn to look at him and see him smiling at me. I sarcastically smile at him before I start punching him in the arm.

"Stop it!" He says while laughing and grabbing my arms and holding them.

We're sitting really close to each other now and he doesn't let go of my arms. We look at each for a few seconds before Josh starts leaning in.

"You know you can't kiss me, right?" I whisper when he's about to.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because I'm sick, and if you kiss me you're going to get -" I say until he pulls me in and kisses me. I kiss him back and start smiling because I've missed this.

He pulls away and looks at me and just smiles at me, which makes me start smiling more.

"That was nice." I say.

"Nice? I thought that was amazing!" He says.

"You're so cocky." I say while rolling my eyes.

"You know you loved it too." He says.

"Don't be mad at me when you become sick." I say.

"I'm not going to get sick, you're not even that sick." He says.

"Whatever you say, Josh." I say.

I hear the front door open and we turn to see everyone walking inside.

"I'm so tried." Frankie says while walking over to one of the other couches and lays down.

"So, did you two have a good day?" Livvy asks while walking over to another couch to sit down.

Josh and I look at each other and start smiling before looking at everyone else again.

"Yeah, we had an amazing day." He says.

"What happened?" Frankie asks while sitting up and looking at us.

"What? Nothing happened." Josh says.

"I know you're lying about something but I'll let it go for now." Frankie says.

I don't know what this makes Josh and I. I definitely enjoyed this kiss and I'm guessing he did too, but would he try with us again? I would definitely give us another shot because I believe he's the one for me, but I don't know how he feels.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! Make sure to vote and leave a comment, I love reading your comments! Also make sure to follow me so you get updates on my books!

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