Truth or Lies?

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Y/n's POV

I was woken up by my alarm. I groaned as I reached for my phone. I snoozed it and rolled back over. I started to drift off till I smelled something coming from the kitchen. I got out of bed and wrapped a sweater around me. I walked into the kitchen to find Izuku cooking breakfast. 

I rubbed my eyes as I walked through the living room. "What are you doing, Izuku?" I sat down on a stool right by the counter. 

He looked up at me with a big smile, but something seemed off about him. "Oh good morning, Puppy. Im making you some breakfast before you go to work." He filled a bowl with some rice and sat it in front of me. "I also have some miso soup and grilled fish. You just eat what you want, okay." 

I got up and came around the counter and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Thank you, but are you okay?" I know that I haven't known him for long but he didn't seem okay. 

He was silent for a moment. "Yes, Puppy. Im okay. You don't need to worry about me." He didn't look up from the fish he was grilling. 

I hugged him tighter. "Did something happen during your mission?" He didn't answer. "I know I shouldn't pry but you don't look like yourself." 

He sighed. "It's nothing you need to worry about."

We stood there for a bit, both of us saying nothing. I didn't want to leave him like this. "Hey I have an idea. How about I take a personal day and we spend the whole day together. I have quite a few personal days saved up so it's no big deal."

He turned around and hugged me tightly. "Im sorry, Puppy, but I have some things I need to do today. I would love to spend the whole day with you but I can't."

I was a bit disappointed. I knew that him being a hero he would always be busy, but that didn't stop me from being selfish. "I Understand." I hugged him a bit tighter. 

He could tell I was disappointed. "But I'll see you tonight, okay?" He kissed the top of my head "Now eat up. I don't want you to go to work on an empty stomach. Im going to take a shower while you eat." he turned and went into the bathroom. 

I sat down and ate my breakfast. It had been awhile since I had actually had a decent breakfast. Normally I just make myself a slice of toast. As I was finishing up my breakfast I got a text from Yamamoto. 

We NEED to talk. 

No we do not. I did not appreciate you showing up

out of no where last night.

That's exactly what I want to talk 


Your boyfriend is CRAZY!

Are you serious? You showed up unannounced.



He would never!

The rumors are true, y/n! He's a villain! 

He's not the Deku we all knew. I have the bruises 

on my neck to prove it!

Then prove it! Izuku would never! He's a hero

and a top notch hero at that!

I was getting so angry. I never imagined Yamamoto would lie like this. He had a tendency to act like a child to get what he wanted in the office but making accusations like this is going to far. I was about to set my phone down when he sent me a photo of his neck. It was bruised and you could tell that it was from a hand, but Izuku would never... would he?

I stood in shock looking at my phone when Izuku came out of the bathroom. "Is everything alright, Doll?" his demeanor was cold. 

I set my phone down and walked to him. "What happened last night with Yamamoto?"

He caressed my cheek. "Doll, like I told you last night, it's nothing you need to worry about."

I slapped his hand away from my face. "Did you hurt him?" 

His gentle smile faded. "What? Why would I hurt him?"

I was starting to raise my voice. "He said you choked him, he even sent me a picture of his bruised neck!  Tell me the truth, did you hurt him?" 

He tensed up. "I was standing up for you. He came here to "Claim you" like you were an object and not a person. He was obviously not grasping the fact that you have found someone or thinking of your happiness, he was being selfish and possessive, not only that he wasn't listening to me when I told him to think of your happiness and not his own." He started to pace. "I will admit that throughout my hero years my patients has faded and I was getting sick of him acting so high and mighty so I decided to put him in his place." He stopped and calmed down a bit. "I may have gone too far, and I am sorry I dragged you into this situation." He pulled me into a hug. "I hope that you can forgive me. I never meant for things to happen the way they did, I was just upset that he was treating you like you were helpless and couldn't make your own decisions toward your own happiness. In hindsight I should have let you stand up for yourself like you want to be able to because I know you can." 

He was rubbing his hand up and down my back. My mind was racing. Yes Yamamoto was acting like a child but Izuku doing that to him... I didn't know how to feel. He was right that I should have stood up for myself and he has the confidence that I can. Izuku was a hero... he would never resort to violence unless he had to. He knew better than to just attack an innocent man... right?

He started to hug me even tighter. "Doll, I would never do that unless I had to, you know that, right? I couldn't stand him thinking he could take advantage of you. You are such a sweet and kind person and other people see that and will think they can take advantage of you, especially men." I was silent. "Y/n? You understand, right?"

Yamamoto did take advantage of me in the office a lot, but he also helped me in the office, and he never judged me when I would talk about my failing love life and I never judged him on his. We always had his flirtatious attitude with each other but never made move with each other mostly because I never had the guts to, but why did he have to when I finally had someone? Was he jealous? That's a stupid question because I already knew he was, and how can I know that Izuku was telling the truth? Was him really acting like that to warrant him getting hurt? 

"Y/N! Please, say something." I looked up into his eyes. He looked so upset and tears were welling up in his eyes. "I-Im sorry... y/n... I never wanted to hurt your friend... I never wanted to hurt you...I-I"

I hugged him tight. He really was just standing up for me and he was right that Im a kind person and I have a hard time saying no... "I need you to apologize to Yamamoto, that's the only way that I will forgive you."

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