Winding Down

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I opened the door to my apartment and kicked off my shoes in the entryway. I was exhausted and starving. I went to the kitchen and pulled out some instant ramen and filled my electric kettle with water and plugged it in. I blankly stared at it as it slowly came to a boil. I was feeling better after talking with Deku but now that I was alone again the reality of the events of the evening sank in. 

The kettle clicked to signal that it was done. I jumped at the sound, snapping me out of my trance. I poured the water into the ramen cup and set it to the side and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes. For some reason something felt different in here. I couldn't help but cover myself, it almost felt like someone was watching me. 

I stood in the shower for a while letting the hot water run down me. My skin was starting to turn a bright pink from how long I was in the shower. I quickly finished and wrapped myself in a towel. I went back out into the main living area to get my ramen, which was defiantly over cooked by now. I reached for my food when my phone went off. It was Yamamoto.

Did you make it home okay?


Will you tell me what happened?

Nothing really happened. I just got my ass chewed.

You know me, Im a crybaby. 

That wasn't just from an ass chewing.

What happened?

I already told you, I got my ass chewed, I was 

already on edge so it just hit me harder than

expected. There isn't much else to tell. 

I don't believe you. Tell me.

There's noting to tell.

Stop lying. Tell me.

Stop it already. You are acting like a jerk. And

even if something happened you acting like this

is not going to make me want to tell you. Maybe

ask me nicely next time. 

I am going to bed.

Y/n please. Im sorry. I didn't mean to

make you upset. Please talk to me. 


I know you are seeing these. 


I was done talking to Yamamoto. I sat down on my sofa and poked a fork into my mush of noodles and nibbled on them. They were way past being good. I got up and threw them away and made a piece of toast. I nibbled on it on my way to my bedroom. 

I threw off my towel and tossed it into my laundry bin. I stood in my bedroom completely naked and again I had the weird feeling. I quickly put on some pajamas, flipped off the light and crawled into bed. I laid down and tried to fall asleep. 

I tossed and turned all night. I tried to think of the time I spent with Deku and not about what happened in the office. I was trying so hard. I wrapped my Deku plush in my arms and squeezed tightly. A part of me wished he were here.

I reached for my phone and looked at the time. "3:00... It would be so rude to call him. Besides he's probably asleep. I would wake him up.." Even though I knew it would be rude I couldn't help but pull up his number. I still couldn't believe that we exchanged numbers. My finger hovered over the call button. "I really shouldn't. It would be so rude." 

I sighed and went to set my phone back down and as I did I missed my nightstand and it fell under my bed. "Shit." I crawled out of bed and reached my hand under my bed to grab my phone. "Son of a bitch. Get back over here." I finally reached it and pulled it to me. I sighed as I got back up.

"Y/n? Are you there? Are you alright?" I could faintly hear a voice. 

I quickly pulled my phone to my face only to see that I actually called Deku. "Ahhh! Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean to call you! My phone fell under my bed and I must have hit something on it. I am so sorry, Deku!"

"Hahaha it's alright, y/n. Im just glad you're okay." He sounded like he just woke up.

I can not believe that I actually called Deku, and none the less woke him up at 3am.

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