Asking for Trouble

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Izuku's POV

The look on her face when I left her bedroom was priceless. Being able to be more assertive with her in a romantic way drive me wild. I wish that I would have had the time to toy with her as much as I wanted, but if I didn't finish this project for Father I would be in hot water, and I was not going to let him hurt Y/N.

I picked up my laptop from the coffee table and sat back down on the couch. Y/N sat down next to me.

She leaned against me. "I'm hungry."

I chuckled at her statement. "I imagine that you are. You took a pretty long nap. Would you like me to order us lunch?"

She gave me puppy dog eyes as she nodded. She was so cute, and what made it better is that she was mine.

I pulled out my phone and ordered us something. "It will be here in about 45 minutes. Hopefully by then I will be finished with this."

"Thank you, Izuku." She said it almost a baby voice tone.

God I love her.

She turned on the tv and started watching something. I tuned it out. I desperately needed to finish, and if it wasn't perfect Father would burst a gasket. But after I was done I would get to have an evening with her.

I smiled at the thought of it just being the two of us. No distractions whatsoever. No Yamamoto, no work, and especially no Father.

Just me and her.

I shook my head, snapping myself back to reality and out of my daydreams. "Come on, Izuku, you need to finish this. You will get your time with Y/N once you are done." I fully dove into my work.

My keys were clicking loudly, my mind completely focused. I never learned computing or programming till Shigaraki taught me. I learned from other sources as well, but he tought me the most important information.

It wasn't easy. I am book smart, but sometimes when it comes to actual performance, it can take a try or two to make it work. And this was no easy task.

This program will help to regulate Nomu creation. It controls temperature, chemical content, and automatically adjusts if there is possibility of a failure or meltdown.

It was something that was a bit out of my expertise. Shigaraki would blow through this in a breeze. It was probably just father testing me again.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Y/N held up the bags with our food. I hadn't even realized time went by so quickly. I looked at the clock. It was 3:00 now. I have two hours to get this to the lab.

I sighed. "Puppy would you please put mine in the fridge? If I stop now I might not finish this in time."
I didn't look up from the computer. "I am just about done, so you go ahead and eat."

She kissed my cheek. "Okay, darling. Just please don't overdo it."

I laughed at her comment. "Oh really? Like staying at the office till midnight? Or pulling all-nighters and going right back to the office?"

She flicked my ear. "Oh hush."

She got up from the couch and put my food in the fridge. As much as I desperately wanted to eat with her, I couldn't. I had about 45 minutes left of work then I needed to get this to father and transfer the data to the computer system controlling the nomu production.

I let myself get zoned out to the sound the the keys and Y/N's tv show. I was so close. I zoned out for quite a while again.

"Izuku?" She was trying to get my attention.

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