I'm Yours

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Y/N's pov

Be mine? Was he serious? Deku... I mean Izuku, wanted me to be his? He wants be to be his girlfriend? Well he didn't specifically say girlfriend but what else could he mean. I was wide eyed and just stared at him.

He caressed his hand on my cheek "Y/n, will you? Now that I have you in my arms I don't know if I could let you go." He pressed his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes waiting for me to answer. 

"I uh I don't know De- Izuku. I hardly know you and you are a hero and you're busy and I would probably just be a distraction a-and" He pressed his lips into mine again. I knew that I shouldn't be kissing a man that I pretty much just met, but it felt right. 

We sat there and melted into each other for what felt like hours, but it was actually minutes. It had been years since I have had this kind of attention from a man. He broke away from me and whispered into my ear. "Y/n, I know that we hardly know each other but every moment we spend together makes me want to know you more, and don't worry about my hero work. You could never be a distraction." 

I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I never thought the hero I idolized would be here in my bed, snuggling and kissing me and pouring his heart out to me, how can I say no to him. "Izuku, are you really sure? I won't be a burden to you?"

He hugged me tightly back. "You could never be a burden, Doll. Please say you'll be mine."

I pressed my lips to his this time. "I'm yours, Izuku." 

He got the biggest smile across his face "You mean it? You truly mean it?" I nodded my head "Oh y/n you've made me so happy!" he fell backwards bringing me with him. He kissed my cheeks several times and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. "Now you should get some sleep, Love."

Our legs intertwined and we pulled each other closer to one another. "Ok, Darling, goodnight." We fell asleep like that. I had never fallen asleep so quickly or peacefully.

My 7:45 alarm went off and woke us both up. We were still intertwined with each other. I turned and stopped my alarm and started to get up. Izuku wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into bed. 

He wrapped his legs around mine and nuzzled the back of my neck with his nose. "Doll, were do you think you're going? I thought you were going to take the day off."

I sighed and turned around and rested my chin on the top of his head. "I never agreed to that. You merely suggested it and I said that I can't miss work and that I need to be a big girl." I kissed his forehead and started to get up again. 

He stretched and laughed "Well I guess you have a point, but can you really focus on three hours of sleep?" 

I opened my closet and rummaged through it and pulled out my outfit that I would wear to work and a clean uniform since I wore my other one home last night. "Darling I am an air sign, we run off of 3 hours of sleep." I turned and stuck my tongue out at him and gave him a cheeky grin. 

"Oh you little smart alack." He got out of bed and wrapped his arms around me. "You really should get some more sleep, love. Maybe take a half day and go in after lunch. Say you have an appointment or something." 

I put my hand to his cheek "Is the great hero Deku really trying to get me to lie to my employer? That's not very heroic of you, dear sir." I wiggled out of his arms and took my clothes to the bathroom to change. Even if we are a couple now I wasn't comfortable changing in front of him. 

He stood outside the bathroom door. "Oh yes, I am trying to corrupt your sweet mind, not at all trying to look out for you or your well being." 

I came out of the bathroom and pinched his cheek. "Trust me, Im fine. I have gone to work after an all nighter before and was just fine." I went back into my bedroom and sat in front of my vanity. It was small but it did the job. I put my hair back with a headband and started doing my makeup. "You don't need to be worried about me, Izuku." I finished my makeup and put my hair into a slightly messy bun, just neat enough to pass for the office. 

He came up behind me and kissed my cheek. "You aren't going to take no for an answer are you?"

I gave him another cheeky smile. "Nope!" 

He sighed deeply. "Well then I guess I can't stop you, but if anything happens you call me right away, okay?"

I got up and kissed his nose and walked to the entryway. I dug through a bowl I had by the door and pulled out my spare key. "I won't kick you out so when you decide to leave please lock the door." I handed it to him and started to put on my shoes. 

I got up and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close. "You have a wonderful day at work, Puppy."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Puppy? What happened to Doll?"

He leaned in and kissed my nose. "Because you are as cute as a puppy, and don't worry I'll still call you Doll." he pressed his forehead against mine "And try to keep us secret, Im working on my secret missions remember." 

I nodded "I won't, I would hate to be the reason your missions failed." I waved goodbye and went out the door with the biggest smile on my face.

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