Fear Mongering

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Izuku' POV:

"I can not believe her. She left the apartment and didn't tell me." I said to myself as I watched her on the monitors in my room. "She knows she is supposed to tell me if she leaves." I could feel myself filling with rage.

I got up and started down stairs "I am busy today working for father, and she thinks she can disobey me? I told her specifically she can not leave without telling me." My words were coming out so quickly.

I threw on my shoes and quickly tied them. I put my mask on and opened the door. Shigaraki threw a wad of paper at my head. "Hey, dimwit, where do you think you are going? You have work to do. I gave you those assignments from your father for a reason. Ever since you met this girl you have had a one track mind. Are you that desperate for someone to give you affection?" He nagged. 

I picked up the paper ball and threw it back at him, far harder than a you should throw a piece of paper. "At least there is someone out there who is actually interested in me. Maybe it's because my skin isn't flaking of like parmesan cheese." I was in no mood to be lectured. "I have a laptop in my bag, I can do my work from there. You have nothing to worry about."

He looked insulted "Whoa, pump the hate brakes there, Broccoli. I am just looking out for you. Sorry the side affects from my quirk gross you out, but I am not interested in love, unlike you I guess." He sighed "Is it that important? I can only cover for you for so long. You are like a little brother to me, ya know, and I don't want your pops to do anything brash." 

I rolled my eyes. It was true that I really shouldn't be interested in romantic endeavors at the moment, but I couldn't help it, I wanted her to be mine and mine alone. "Like I said, I have a laptop, I am able to work on the assignments there. I have protected her wifi so if I do use tech there I am hidden, and so is she. I am not an idiot, I am covering my bases." 

I turned and left without listening to his rebuttal or saying anything else. I needed to find Y/N. She could be anywhere. She didn't take her phone with her for some stupid reason. She could be mugged or kidnapped or even worse violated if she is alone. I realized these were all worst case scenarios, but I didn't know where she was going either. She didn't talk to much when she was alone. All I know is that she was going to play a game, and she got up and left. 

She didn't look hurt or distressed, so I know it wasn't because of something bad. I can only imagine she is going to get something and be back, but she still disobeyed me. 

I maneuvered threw back alleys with my quirk till I got a few blocks from her apartment. I stopped at a corner and took a breath. Where could she have possibly gone? Which direction? If she was leaving for any reason what would it be? She had everything at the apartment she needed, I even had lunch being delivered to her so she wasn't inclined to leave without me knowing. 

What possible reason would she have to leave? I was filling with rage. I was already falling behind on my assignments for father and he was already on my ass. I needed to calm down to think. I needed to remember my hero training on finding lost people. 

I looked around as to what was close by. There had to be a reason for her leaving. She had food and entertainment in the apartment so there was no need to leave unless she wanted something specific. Then it hit me. She probably went to get a snack. I started to walk to the nearest connivence store. It was my best bet at the moment till I found out more information. It was only a few minutes walk there.  

I was walking quickly. She couldn't have gotten far. I came up on the one closest to her apartment and I looked in the windows. I didn't see her among the shelves. I suppose she could have gone to the one owned by that elderly couple she was close to. I kept going. Maybe this store didn't have what she wanted and she moved onto the next. 

I turned the corner and realized the next closest to her apartment was the other direction. I was already a block away from the first store so I already wasted time. I needed to calm down if I was going to find her. I turned and headed back the direction I came.

What was I going to do when I found her? She can't know about the cameras, or me tapping into her phone, that would scare her away. Even so I couldn't let this go unpunished. She was mine and she needs to know that and she needs to learn to obey me and my rules. I could hardly think of a punishment right now, I just wanted to find her. 

I was quickly walking back towards her apartment when I saw her. She was standing at a crosswalk, eagerly waiting for it to change. She was holding a bag from the store I just looked in. I am so stupid. I should have gone inside to look. 

I could feel relief and anger wave over me. I was happy that I found her, but I was furious that she left. I ran to her. My anger must have taken over because I tightly grabbed her wrist and turned her around, probably harder than I should have. 

"I-Izuku?" She whimpered. I obviously pulled too hard, but it didn't matter. 

I still had my hand tightly wrapped around her wrist. "Why did you leave? You didn't tell me you left and worst yet, you didn't take your phone!" I was practically yelling at her. 

She looked scared, like I had upset her, but what does she have to be upset about? She worried me! "I-I uh, I" She couldn't get words out. 

I pulled her closer by the wrist. "I-I, I-I what? You didn't listen to me, I was terrified! I didn't know where you went. I didn't know if you were hurt or if you needed help and I couldn't call you! You were supposed to let me know if you left the apartment!" Now I had really done it. 

Tears started to fill her eyes. I went too far. She ripped her hand from mine. "Why are you yelling at me? I went to go get snacks for us! I forgot my phone and didn't realize it. It has been 15 minutes top since I left my apartment." She turned and started walking towards her apartment. "How did you know I left? You weren't there and you said you wouldn't be home till late tonight."

I followed her. "I'm sorry, Puppy. I didn't mean to upset you. I was scared. I was going to surprise you by coming home for lunch, and when you weren't there and your phone was I panicked." I took her hand and mine as we walked. "I was worried a villain found out about you and that you were someone close to me and they took you, or you were hurt and that's why you left. There's a reason heroes keep their significant others a secret." 

She was still really upset, but I think my convincing was working. "I guess I hadn't thought of that." She got a worried look. "Do you think if a villain found out about me they would hurt me?" 

Maybe this was a good thing. Making her afraid to go out without me could prove to be beneficial. "I'm not sure, but it isn't something I want to think about."  I started to walk a little faster and pulled her along with me. "Let's just get you home, okay."

I had a lot of work with her, but I would make her mine. One step at a time, and if that meant scaring her, so be it.

I would do whatever it takes. 

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