I'm Coming for you, Pig

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Izuku's Pov:


I slowly made my way up the stairs. Father really didn't go easy on me today. It was probably because of our chat yesterday and because I was late. I flopped into my office chair and rolled over to the computer. I looked at my watch. "5:30, y/n should be done with work by now." I pulled up the office security footage and didn't see her at her desk. I started to sweep the cameras. My heart sank and my anger grew.

She was in Mr. Okino's office and he was pulling her by her tie "I said I want you to service me, and If you don't I'm going to fire you, and trust me you don't want that. You will never get another job in this town, I will make sure of that."

She was in tears."Sir please, don't do this." Her voice was cracking as she begged. I clenched my fists and I was shaking with anger.

He looked down on her "Women like you need to learn their pace.". He slowly unzipped his pants."You can either comply and learn or I'll force you. You're choice."

I needed to act quick. There was no way I could get there in time. I pulled up the emergency security files and made the fire alarm go off.

He let her go. "What the? God damn it! Don't tell anyone about this, got it! Otherwise these will get out." He pulled some photos from a drawer in his desk. They were obviously of her. I rolled away from my desk and grabbed my bag.

I slowly got up and headed down the stairs. I put on my mask and put up my hood. Shigaraki was sitting in his chair on his handheld again. "Where do you think you're going?" I didn't answer him. I didn't have time to waste.

I used my quirk to quickly maneuver the city. It would be quicker than the train. Thanks to the HR files I knew where that pig lived. I landed a few blocks from his home. With how long the train takes he wouldn't be here for a while.

I pulled out the duplicate phone to see where she was. It looked like she was walking instead of taking the train. I gritted my teeth. I didn't want her to walk home alone but I couldn't let this pig get away. He couldn't get away with hurting my Doll.

I hid in an alleyway, preparing for his inevitable arrival. My mind was racing with ideas on how to apprehend him. I could just sucker punch him and knock him out, or maybe sneak up behind him and strangle him till he passes out. I started to shake with excitement. I decided to go old school and just drug him. I pulled out a small case from my bag. I opened it up and pulled out a syringe and a vile of sedative. I pushed the needle of the siring into the cork and pulled back filling it with just enough to knock him out. I pulled the needle out and brought the syringe to eye level. I flicked at the tube to knock out any air bubbles. I shoved the case back into my bag and moved to the entrance of the alleyway and peered out. I stood there waiting. I didn't care how long I had to wait.

To be honest this wasn't the first time I had done this. Ever since I joined the league I took it upon myself to try to rid this world of worthless people, heros or villains. The sad part of it was that my first kill was before I even became a villain, and I knew that this wouldn't be the last.

I could hear footsteps. I tensed up and slowly peered my head further out of the alley. It was him. I could feel the adrenaline flowing through me as I grew more excited. I waited till he was nearly past the alley to strike.

He was walking quickly "That damn girl." He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it "She has another think coming to her tomorrow."

This was my chance to get this pig. I sprung forward and wrapped one arm around his neck and pulled him close to me, with the other I injected the syringe into the other side of his neck. "What the-" He struggled and pulled on my arm around him. "Who the hell are....you.." he slumped over.

"Oh no! What happened?" I acted surprised "Oh don't worry! I am the hero Deku! I'll help you." I lifted him up and heaved him over my shoulder. "or maybe not." I let out a devilish chuckle as I used my quirk to launch myself in the air. I decided to use one of the leagues other hideouts.

I hopped across the rooftops till I got to the harbor. I threw his limp body to the ground and pulled my bag off my back. I started to dig through it to get my keys. To be honest this was my favorite hideout to "take care" of the scum of society. I finally found my keys and unlocked the door. I bent over and grabbed one of his ankles and started to drag him inside.

I had made this my own personal hideout. It was still property of the league but I claimmed this one for myself. It was like my home away from home. As I dragged his limp body through the hideout I whistled a little tune. I got to a staircase and let him go at the top of the steps. "And down you go." I kicked him down the steps and started to follow him, I turned and reached for the cellar doors and closed them behind me.

I started to drag him over to the center of the room where I had a chair prepared. I lifted him up and flopped him into the chair. His head flew back and smacked the back of the chair "Oh ow. That will be a little tender when you wake up." When I got in this mood I tended to talk to my victims very sarcastically and often in baby talk. They were beneath me.

I used some chains and wrapped them around his wrists and around his ankles. Now that he was settled I needed to prepare myself. I turned to a large dresser and opened the doors. I liked to dress up a bit for my victims. If I was their last contact with the world I should look nice for them.

I slipped off my hoodie and hung it up in the dresser. It was one of my personal favorite hoodies. I was known for having clothing with obvious writing on it; t-shirt, sleeping shirt, dress shirt. This one I had printed "Villain" across the front. I thought it paid homage to my past self. If I had ran into any of my old friends I knew they would think it was funny.

I pulled out a white dress shirt and a pair of black dress pants. I slipped those on and tied a black tie. I finished off with a black suit vest and my favorite dress shoes. I slid on my signature black leather gloves as I grabbed my canvas knife roll, it was a gift from my father.

I turned and headed back over to Mr. Okino and pulled a metal surgical cart and rolled it next to him. I took my knifes and unrolled it onto the tray. I walked over to another cupboard and opened it up. "Hmm lets see. Where is it..." I scanned the shelves with my hand "Ah here it is!" I pulled out a box of smelling salts.

I went back over to Mr. Okino and surveyed the scene. "Perfect." I couldn't help but let out a diabolic laugh. "This is going to be so much fun"

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