Bridges Burned

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Y/n's POV:

I was sitting at my desk when I got a message from Izuku.

I will be making dinner tonight for

you and Yamamoto as an apology.

Really? I'm so happy! I really want my

boyfriend and my best friend to get along

so that makes me really happy!

I'm glad, Puppy. I'll see you tonight.

Have a great day at work.

I was happy that he was trying to make things right. I still had mixed feelings on what happened, but I wanted to give Izuku the chance to make things right. People always thought that I was a pushover because I gave others the chance to make things right.

Yamamoto sat down next to me, he seemed annoyed. I needed to break this tension. I can't have another day like this. "So uh Izuku told me you are coming for dinner tonight."

He turned and looked at me. "Yeah, I guess I am." He didn't look amused

I felt awkward now. He was obviously not happy about it, which was understandable. "I'm really happy you're coming. Izuku feels really bad about what happened, and I know he wants to make it up to you."

He got an angry look on his face. "He's not sorry, y/n. He is just trying to make you stay with him, make you think he's a good guy, but he's not. You can easily break things off with him, you've only been dating for a few days so it wouldn't even matter."

I stood up in anger. "Why can't you be happy for me? I found someone who adores me, and I adore him." I was getting tired of him belittling my relationship. "Even if we have only dated for a few days I would never end it off like that. I want to get to know him and have our relationship grow."

He quickly stood up and slammed a hand on his desk. "He is a villain, y/n! There is no question about it. He is bad now! I can't have the girl I love be with a villain!" He was yelling at this point.

I looked around and all eyes on were on us now. I hated when negative attention was on me. I could feel tears building in my eyes. I wanted to leave, I wanted to run. I didn't want to be the conversation of the office today. "I-I need to go." I quickly left my desk and headed toward the changing room. I was about to have a full-on panic attack.

I was about to open the door to the changing room when Yamamoto pulled me to him with his quirk. "Stop trying to run from all of this! Face it! He is a villain! You need to end it!"

I turned and slapped him. "I hate it when you use your quirk against me! It's not fair and you know it! Not only that what do you think is going to happen if I break it off? Do you think I will just run into your arms after the way you've been acting lately, because that's never going to happen! Not anymore and not ever! I don't even know if I want you to be my friend anymore!" I ripped myself out of his arms. "I'm going home. I'm taking a personal day for the rest of the day." I opened the door and stopped in the doorway. "And I don't want you coming over for dinner. As things are right now, we aren't even friends anymore." I slammed the door behind me.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I whipped open my locker and started to change. Between my sniffles I called Izuku.

It rang for a bit before he picked up. "Hey, Puppy, how's work?"

I was in full on melt down mode. "I-I'm coming home. There's no way I can work like this. Everyone is looking at me and I am a crying mess and Yamamoto and I got into a fight and everyone was watching." I was speaking so quickly.

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