Sadistic tendency's?

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Y/N's Pov

I quietly watched as the numbers typed on the computer screen. I didn't know exactly what it was, it looked like some sort of coding program. It was almost hypnotic watching the numbers appearing on the screen.

My wrist still hurt. I never thought he would hurt me like that. I scared him. I should have remembered my phone. I should have stayed home. It never clicked in my mind that I could be hurt because we were in a relationship. It makes sense though.

I was still upset that he hurt me. He was worried, but he didn't have to pull me that hard. He did try to make it better though.

I didn't want to think about it anymore. I was tired, and being sandwiched between him and the back of the couch made the feeling sweep over me more.

I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes. I could feel his fingers slowly sliding through my hair and gentle forehead kisses. The clicking sounds of the keyboard slowly faded away as I drifted off.

I don't know how long I slept. I slowly woke up to Izuku arguing with someone. At first it felt like a dream, but the voices got louder and louder.

I opened my eyes to find that I was alone on the couch. Izuku's laptop was open on the coffee table. It must have been there for a bit because the screensaver was cycling through.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I looked around to try and figure out where he was. The bathroom door was open, but my bedroom door was shut. I sleepily got up and approached the door. I quietly pressed my ear against the door.

"I have been working on this assignment for hours! I haven't done anything else!" Izuku hissed. It seemed like a heated conversation.

He paused for a moment allowing for the other person to speak.

"I will have it ready before the deadline, actually I would be closer to being finished if I wasn't talking to you!" His voice became more frustrated.

He paused again.

"Don't you dare bring her into this! She has nothing to do with this! I have done everything you have asked of me! I will finish it! I am on the last steps!" He was yelling now.

"Bring her into this?" I whispered to myself. What is happening? Is he talking about me?

I could hear him pacing "Father, I promise you it will be done, the Nomus will be fine. Once I finish this the system will stop failing and we will stop having failed Nomus. The previous program couldn't handle the the newest updates, therefore the program needed to be updated as well." He started pacing faster.

I pressed my ear into the door harder. "Father? Why does his father need a computer program?" I whispered.

"Please, just don't punish Y/N. She is not involved. My relationship with her isn't affecting anything. I will have it finished and have it to you by 5:00 tonight at the very latest." His anger was replaced by desperation.

He was talking about me. Fear was flooding my mind.

"Thank you, Father. I won't disappoint you" he hung up the phone. He let out an angered sign.

I held my hand to knock on the door. I was shaking. Should I knock or quickly lay back down on the couch and pretend I didn't hear anything.

Before I could decide the door opened.

Izuku looked down at me, he gave me a disapproving look. "It's not polite to eavesdrop, Doll."

I didn't know what to say. I was panicking. "I-I wasn't eavesdropping, Izuku." My voice was shaking. "I just woke up and heard you on the phone. Is everything okay?"

His disappointing expression didn't fade. "How much did you hear?"

He almost looked angry that I overheard. "I didn't hear much, I only heard muffled yelling." I was praying that he bought my fib.

He tilted my head up by my chin so I was directly looking at him. "Do you promise, Doll?" His expression didn't change.

I gulped. "I-I promise" please, let him believe me.

He bent over and kissed me. "I know you would never lie to me, Doll." His disappointment disappeared and a new side of him came out.

Something about it seemed, strange? He was being sweet but also stern. He wrapped he arms around my waste and lifted me up. He turned back into my bedroom and gently dropped me onto my bed.

He crawled on top of me. He leaned in close and kissed at my cheek, moving closer to my neck. I could feel the warmth of his breath on me.

The sensation of his kisses sent shocks up my spine. He took my hands into his and held them above my head, pinning me to the bed.

I was starting to squirm. He took notice quickly and snickered at me. "As much as I would love to tease you, I really need to finish my work. Maybe after we could take a bath." He kissed me on my forehead "would you like that, Puppy?"

My cheeks were red. "Y-yes, I would like that."

He let go of my hands. He pulled up the hand with my injured wrist and kissed it softly. "I'm sorry if I hurt your wrist doing that."

I pulled him close and gently kissed him. "You didn't, but I have a question?"

He sat back up "Of course."

I sat up and leaned into him "What was that all about? You were so angry and then all of a sudden, well you got very loving."

He chuckled a little. "Well, Puppy, you should know something about me. I can be a very sweet and soft lover, but I can also be somewhat sadistic." He brushed my hair out of my face. "And the look you were making in combination with me being  aggravated, it really brought out my sadistic side. I hope that doesn't scare you. I know I showed a pretty scary side of myself earlier today, but I would never hurt you on purpose, especially in a way you would never want."

Sadistic? It was something I had never experienced, but him pinning me down like that was very exciting.

He got up and started walking back to the living room. "If you did hear anything about my call, you have nothing to worry about. I will always protect you. No harm will ever come to my precious Doll. Everyone will know that you are mine, and know that if they cross you, they will be crossing me too, regardless of who they are." He turned back to look at me "You are mine, do you understand that?"

"Y-yes." I replied

He gave me an approving look. "Good girl"

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