Chapter Forty-One

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Roman groaned, blinking open his eyes. He looked at the unfamiliar flooring and couch he was on, snuggling into the unfamiliar black blanket.

Then it hit him.

Roman quickly sat up, keeping the blanket around his wing. He felt someone's hand go through his hair.

He looked up, seeing Virgil smiling nervously at him from the floor, "Hey Princey, how are you feeling?" he asked, taking a seat besides him on the couch.

"Mmm.. fine, just tired." Roman answered, shuffling closer to Virgil. The emo wrapped a wing around him, causing Roman to snuggle up to him even more.

"Are we at Logan's house?" Roman asked after a bit. Virgil nodded, "Yeah, you were about to pass out while we were hurrying to your house, but then deceid to go to L's house since it was closer."

Roman hummed closing his eyes again, "I'm tired.." he mumbled.

"Well, I adivse you to stay awake, Logan's grandmother is here," Virgil pointed out, "And your brother is freaking out."

"Remus?" Roman gasped. "I-I need to get to him-" he was about to stand up, but Virgil held onto his arm in a tight grip.

"You can't get up, you need rest," the anxious boy said, "I'll get Remus."

Roman watched as Virgil got up. He quickly grabbed his hand before the other could leave.

"Hm?" Virgil turned back with a worried look, "You ok?"

"I.." Roman felt his face heat up at what he was about to ask.

"Can I have a kiss?" he asked quietly.

Virgil felt his own face heat up, but he smiled and nodded, "Of course."

He sat back down, and cupped Roman's face gently, looking into the smaller's bright eyes, and softly kissed him.

Roman melted under the kiss, enjoying how happy it made him feel. It was a soft kiss, one that made him feel warm all over and feel like he could soar into the sky. He was becoming addicted to Virgil's touch.

Virgil broke it apart, smiling lovingly at the boy in front of him, "There, was that good?"

Roman grinned, "Mm, I don't know, I think I need another."

He was already leaning forward, but Virgil chuckled and stood up, "Sorry, but we can save the kissing for later." He winked and walked off.

Roman pouted, but couldn't help and smile as he touched his lips.

It was still so hard to believe that Roman and Virgil were dating. It was hard to believe any of this was happening.

Roman thought he'd stay inside and be alone for the rest of his life. He never would've imagined him having friends, let alone a significant other.


Roman screamed when Remus jumped on him, a pissed off look on his face. He pinned Roman down, his wings puffed up.

"You asshole!" He spat, "You could've died on me!" he had tears in his eyes as he glared dangerously at his brother.

Roman couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Remus! Don't swear in my house!" Logan whispered harshly, giving him a warning glare after running in after him.

Remus rolled his eyes, bringing Roman into a hug, his wings still puffed up in defense.

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