Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Roman, Virgil, and Yvonne were outside of a Sonic, sitting on a bench, waiting for their food.

Virgil had Yvonne in his arms, his wings curled around her. Roman found the whole thing adorable, how protective his emo boyfriend is over the baby.

"Are you sure you want to pay for my half?" Roman asked, not liking the quiet, "I have the money."

Virgil shook his head, "Use the money for more important things, I can pay $9 for your lunch."

Roman rested his head on the table, "Whatever you say, I don't mind paying for myself."

"And I don't mind paying for you."

The two sat in silence once more. Roman watched as people flew by, not a single car in sight.

He doesn't like that he has one wing. He knows it's obvious to not be happy with that, but he almost envies everyone with two functional wings. Jealousy is a bitch.

His mother sent him to a special school once, however, for kids like him. Disabled kids. Rather it's physically or mentally. He only stayed there for a week before they moved, and there was not a school like that around here.

He does remember making friends with a kid with down syndrome and a wing that was curled inward. Nothing traumatic happened to the kid, his wing was just made that way. He wasn't in pain or anything. He couldn't straighten it out, however, stopping him from being able to fly. Roman got along with him well, since almost all the other kids could fly, or even flutter down. Not him or the kid.

He remembered how the kid would try, try very hard to at least be able to glide down, but the curled wing prevented it. Roman had cheered him up by showing how he couldn't even glide either, and that got them to be friends on the first day.

He was a nice kid, and it was a good school with good staff.

Too bad he couldn't remember the name of the kid or school.

"So," Virgil coughed awkwardly, not liking the silence either. It interrupted Roman from his thoughts, "Wanna tell me about the issue with your dad?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to!" he quickly added, gently setting Yvonne in the stroller, the baby babbling.

Roman smiled sadly, "It's fine, I don't really care. What is it you want to know exactly?"

Virgil blew at his bangs, anxiety worsening, "Uh, well, did he er, leave because of your...?" he nodded at Roman's back.

Roman chuckled, "Yeah, he couldn't bare to see me like that. So he decided to leave and divorce mom. Even tried to take Remus away with him, but mom won custody. We were able to vist him and stay the night, and we did, but we stopped going once mom found out he only really hung out with Remus. Dad didn't even try to get us to stay, just sorta moved back to our previous town, marrying another woman and having kids with her. He paid for child support and everything, just never saw him."

Virgil scowled, "Sounds like a shit dad."

"Yep," Roman sighed, then giving Virgil a curious look, "What about your parents?"

"My parents?" Virgil repeated, confused.

"You know about my mom, and I told some about my dad," the shorter pointed out, "So tell me about your parents."

Virgil blinked, looking down at his shoes. Roman was going to tell me he doesn't have to after a minute, but Virgil laughed.

"My dad is a silly guy. Always joking, trying his best to look after me, all that good dad stuff."

His smile was gone, "But he's sick right now. Really sick, doctors aren't entirely sure if he'll survive. He's able to stay home with me, works at home too. But I'm pretty fucking sure Remy's mom is sending money to us."

"Is she your dad's sister?" Roman asked.

"No," Virgil shook his head, "Aunt Margaret is the sister of my mom."

Roman scooted closer, giving his partner a kind smile, "Do you want to talk about your mom?"

Virgil shrugged, "I guess."

He sighed, "My mom was.. loud. Very talkative. She laughed at any joke my dad did, and could kick ass. She actually joined the army, twice. It was.. hard, but she can do whatever she wants. She uh, died, when I was seven I think? Maybe eight? She was in the army, and it was a stupid accident with guns and dumbasses who don't know how to fucking use one!"

Virgil shouted the last bit, wings bristling in anger. Yvonne giggled, clapping het fists together. Roman sighed, "I'm sorry she's gone, I don't know what it's like to lose a parent like that, but I know what it's like to lose one."

Virgil smiled a small smile, bumping shoulders with the other, "That's something we have in common. We both lost a parent."

Roman laughed, cuddling a bit into Virgil's side, "I'm glad we're opening up a bit, I think that's supposed to help with relationships."

A lady suddenly approached, in the Sonic uniform with two bags, "Here is your order."

The two immediately separated, not comfortable with being cuddly and lovey in public or near strangers. Many LGBT+ people have been harmed, the two did not want to be apart of it.

Roman thanked her, Virgil opening the bags to get out the food.

Roman ordered fries and chicken strips with BBQ sauce and water. Virgil ordered a cheeseburger and fries with a coke.

Roman munched on his fries, enjoying the nice breeze. It's going to get cold soon, so he should enjoy the warmth he still has.

Virgil was on his phone, scrolling through Tumblr.


"I forgot my phone."

Remus was panicking, screaming as loud as possible, "ROMAN! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Calm down!" Emily held him back from taking off into the sky, "He'll come back, I'm sure he will!"

The others assumed Roman went to the bathroom or to bed, but after they were finally bored of yelling and racing, Remus went to ask if Roman wanted McDonald's or not. Only to find out he wasn't there.

But his phone was.

Remy scowled, "Where would he go? And why leave his phone?"

Emily gave him a glare, "Shut it! You aren't helping!" she whisper-shouted, hugging Remus close, "He'll come back."

Remus shook his head, "You don't know that! H-He could've been kidnapped! Or went on a walk and got beat up! Or fell in a ditch with rocks and broke everything and he can't get up or call for help and I'm not there to protect him like I promised-"


Remy had slapped Remus.

Emily gasped, "Remy! What the hell?!"

"I panicked!" Remy shouted, "He would've made himself pass out! The bitch needs to breathe!"

Remus cried.


"I panicked!"


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