Chapter Fifty-Three

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"No fucking way."

Roman had just arrived at Janus' house, Virgil flying them both. It was exciting and fun, he never wanted it to end. Unfortunately, Virgil got tired, dropping him off at Janus' house.

He entered, greeting Remus. When the other looked at him to greet back and tease him, he stopped, mouth dropping open.

"What," Remus examined his body, as if looking for other changes, "the fuck did you do at his house."

"Uh," Roman chuckled nervously, "Dyed our hair?" he shrugged, looking around the house.

Remus walked to him, his eyes not leaving his hair. Once close enough, he reached out, touching the bright, red bangs that were parted to the side.

Remus looked him in the eyes, "Grow a mustache."

"What?" Roman snorted, swatting the hand away, "No, that's your thing."

"Roman, we both have dyed hair," he pointed out, "Grow a mustache and then no one can tell the difference."

Roman rolled his eyes, "We still look very different," he felt his magic run to his back, his red wing fluttering into view before tucking itself in, "If anything, you should lose the mustache."

"No way!" Remus cover his growing mustache, as if Roman would just make it disappear, "I'm nothing without it!"

"Drama queen," Roman laughed, kicking his shoes off.

"You're one to talk."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"I will not fight you in Janus' house."

"Why? Too much of a wuss to do it?"

"No, I just don't want him to get mad at me."

"He won't, he's literally unable to stay mad at us."

"Just shut up."

"Oh, what do you want for dinner?" Remus suddenly asked, "I was thinking of ordering a pizza."

"Hell yeah!" Roman exclaimed, now excited.

The two absolutely loved pizza.

"Pepperoni?" Remus asked, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"Pepperoni," Roman confirmed, "Who's sleeping where?"

"Mm," Remus looked over at his brother, "We have four options. Option one: I sleep on Janus' bed and you sleep on the couch. Option two: You sleep on Janus' bed and I sleep on the couch. Option three: We both sleep on Janus' bed, be a bit cramp. Option four: We put blankets on the floor in the living room and sleep there."

He looked back at his phone, clicking something before bringing it to his ear, "You decide, I don't give a shit what we do."

He began talking on the phone. Roman sat down on the couch, thinking it over.

He doesn't want to sleep in his brother's boyfriend's bed, nor on an uncomfortable couch. While the floor isn't comfortable, it could be fun. It was like a sleepover, but without the host.

It's decided, they'll make a pallet!

Remus finally got done, throwing his phone at the couch before jumping on it himself, landing next to Roman.

"Soo~" Remus sung, "Where we sleepin'?"

"Let's make a pallet!" Roman said excitedly.

"Fuck yeah!" Remus cheered with him, "Good choice!"

Roman giggled, leaning slightly on Remus, "Thanks."

"Pfft, for what?" Remus snorted.

"For everything, really," Roman said, "Doing all of this just so I'm ok."

Remus had a slight frown, "Duh, not gonna let you stay in a house with him. Gotta look out for ya."

Roman hummed, resting his head on his brother's shoulder, "You're always looking out for me. Thanks."

Remus smiled a soft smile, pulling Roman into a side hug, letting his brother lay on his chest, "I wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

Roman closed his eyes, enjoying this moment between them. Despite the bickering, he enjoys these moments with his twin. Remus always shows Roman that he cares about him.

He felt fingers go through his hair, specifically the dyed part, "Mom's gonna be so pissed," Remus mumbled, "I'm looking forward to it."

"Jerk," Roman huffed, but melted under the affection. Remus hummed, pulling him closer, "You love me," he teased.

"Yeah," Roman agreed, "I love you, Remus."

Remus was silent for a moment, eyes wide. He wasn't expecting Roman to respond with that.

He rolled his eyes, "Love you too, I guess." He grinned, giving Roman's forehead a quick kiss.

Roman groaned, "I'm gonna punch you," he said.

"I'd like to see you try."
Patton was walking home, just leaving the small date he had with Logan, like they always do after school.

He shuffled uncomfortably at the thought of going home, but knew the percentage of seeing his parents were low, so he should be alright.

He forced his mind to think about the date, smiling at the image of a laughing Logan. For some reason, only Patton is allowed to see that side of them.

Oh, and they said they were using they/them pronouns that day! Patton absolutely loves his joyfriend, a cute couple title he found online.

He smile disappeared when his house came into view. It was rather big, but nothing huge. His father was the owner of a very successful business, after all.

He swallowed nervously, taking out his keys and opening the door, his baby blue wings disappearing from view.

Patton walked in, shutting the door behind him. He looked around, sighing in relief when no one was around. Not even Miss Chaffin.

He quickly headed towards the stairs to hide in his room, but a voice stopped him.

"Patton." a man called, a thick, British accent covering it.

"Y-Yes father?" Patton answered, turning to look at the man.

His father had a cold scowl, "Remind me again why you come home late?"

"I do after school activities, father," Patton lied, feeling guilty about it, but knew the consequences if he told the truth.

His father continued to stare at him before nodding, seeming to believe him, "Good, you are to help Miss Chaffin with whatever she needs, understand?"

"Of course, father," Patton said, voice lacking any emotion.

He thought that was the end, but his father took a few steps forward, resting his hand on his shoulder.

Patton tensed, but remained emotionless.

"Your birthday is coming up, isn't it?" His father asked, "Write down what you want and your mother and I shall buy it for you."

"Yes, father," Patton nodded, hurrying up the stairs when his father let go.

He quickly shut his bedroom door, taking a deep breath. He ran to his bed, laying face first on it.

He felt tears prick his eyes. He was so scared. So very scared that his father was going to hit him.

He can't wait until he's 18 to finally leave this building he must call home. Him and Emily have talked about sharing a house until they're ready to live on their own.

It'll happen soon, after all.

honestly, this is becoming more of a creativitwins story then a prinxiety, and i'm not upset about it


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