Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Shopping?" Roman asked his brother, "I haven't went shopping in.. years." he mumbled. He was sitting on his bed against the wall.

"Exactly!" Remus was laying upside down on his bed, "Everyone else thinks it's a great idea. Besides, I promised Janus I'd buy him more gummies."

Roman looked uncomfortable, "But.. I haven't went shopping in years. What am I supposed to buy? Are there going to be a lot of people? Where are we even going?"

"Fucking hell, calm the hell down," Remus sat upright, his wings fluttering into view, "We were gonna let you decide where to go so you're comfortable. And it'll be our friend group. So Virgil's gonna be there!~" he grinned at how excited Roman suddenly got.

"Where would Virgil like to go?" He asked, mostly to himself, "No where with too many people, like the mall.."

"Actually," Remus piped in, "he would love to go to the mall, Hot Topic is there."

"What's that?"

"What the fu- how the fuck have you never heard of-" Roman stopped him by raising his one wing. One.

"Oh yeah," Remus laughed.

"Sooooo," He then dragged out, "we shopping at the mall?" he asked with hopeful eyes.

"Mmm.." Roman wasn't too sure.

"Emily wants to buy more skirts and dresses, and she said we're welcomed to try some on too, wanna be pretty as fuck?" Remus then said.

Roman smiled, "Fine, you win. We'll go, and I'll try on a skirt or dress, why not?"

"Yay!" Remus cheered, Roman laughing as he flapped his wings and then fell off the bed.
The twins were waiting at the entrance of the mall, being the first this time.

Logan was second to arrive. He flew down, surprised to see the twins first, "Salutations, how did you get here first?" He looked at Roman specifically.

"We walked," was all Remus said.

"Fair," Logan simply said back.

Two minutes later, Patton and Emily were next. They were holding hands, giggling about whatever they were previously talking about.

"Emmy! You can't say thaaaaat!" Patton whined, still giggling with a pink face.

Emily couldn't even respond, she just laughed harder. Seeing the two so happy made the other three happy. It was like it was contagious. They were just so precious.

Patton gasped when he saw Logan, "Logan!" He screamed, running up and hugging him.

Logan almost fell down, "Woah, hello Patton, it hasn't been that long since we've seen one another." He hugged him back nonetheless.

Patton pouted, "I don't care, I still missed you."

Emily's giggles finally died down, she move her hair out of her face, "Hehe, so we're waiting for the others?"

"Yep!" Remus chirped, "And we all promised to try on a skirt or dress with you so you're comfortable."

Emily smiled even brighter, "Ahh, thank you!" She gave him a quick hug. She wasn't wearing any dress or skirt, but she was still beautiful. She didn't need to be feminine to be a real woman.

Minutes later with Patton and Emily whispering and giggling, Logan being very confused when Emily kept pointing at Logan and Patton growing red, and the twins about to start a fist fight, the last two came down.

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