Chapter Forty-Five

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Emily stepped into the room, looking around. First thing that caught her eye was the tank in a corner. It had a small pineapple house, a rock, and fake coral. There was a small fish inside the house.

Before she could get a closer look, Patton tugged at her sleeve, "So, Logan wants to ask you something."

Emily was confused, but nodded, "Sure, I'll answer to the best of my ability."

Patton looked back at his partner. Emily immediately noticed how nervous Logan looked.

Many thought were going through her head. But none of them made sense.

Are they breaking up? Are they fighting? Are they mad at her? Is she supposedly mad at them? Does it have to do with them suddenly rushing out?

"Did you, uh," Logan's face was entirely red, his eyes looking down.

Patton went over to him, sitting next to him on the bed, giving him a side hug.

Emily smiled her kindest smile, "You don't have to be so nervous, it's just me! I'm almost as kind and forgiving as Patton." she tried to reassure.

"Right," Logan nodded, "Ok, yes, er,"

Patton wrapped a wing around him, "She won't say anything mean LoLo."

Emily was extremely confused. What did he do that was so terrible he was scared to tell her about it of all people? Surely if Patton's fine with it, she would be too.

Logan groaned, "Why is this so freaking difficult?!" he looked back at her with pleading eyes, "I think I'm not cisgender!"

It was silent right after that. No one dared to move. Emily's eyes went wide with surprise.

"Oh," Emily sighed in relief, "I was worried you did something bad."

Logan snuggled into the soft, baby blue feathers, seeking comfort. Patton instantly pulled him into a hug.

"Er," Emily stretched her wings out, then folded them back in, "What made you realize?"

"A dress." Logan answered in a small voice, "A stupid dress."

Emily was wanting him- her? them? something else? -to explain more.

"Tell her what you told me," Patton encouraged.

"Right," Logan nodded, clearly his throat, "I, uhm, have day where I feel comfortable in my body, and days where I.. don't?"

Emily tilt her head in confusion.

"Like," Logan was struggling to explain it. He, himself, didn't know how to exactly describe it.

"Today, I loved wearing feminine clothing. But on other days, it would've made me uncomfortable. And then that made me realize that I don't always feel like a guy. Some days, I wish I had a more female body then male, some days I'm happy with my male body, and some days, I don't feel male or female."

Logan gasped for air, "That was all one breath."

Emily nodded slowly, "Ok.. so are you.. wanting me to help you figure out which gender identity label fits you?" she asked.

It was the only reason she could think of as to telling just her.

Well, it could be easier for Logan to tell her since she's transgender.

Logan nodded, looking less nervous now.

"Well," Emily already had a few ideas as to what it is, "is there a certain set of pronouns you'd like to go by for today? Maybe a different name?"

Patton didn't even think about asking that. He felt guilty now, for thinking of Logan as a guy if Logan didn't feel like one.

Logan's expression shifted back to discomfort, "I don't know about all that name stuff. I just now realized it."

Patton jumped in, "Oh, that's absolutely alright. No need to rush anything. No one is demanding for an answer, you can think about it for however long you want."

"Of course!" Emily exclaimed, "I took forever finding the right name. Not many other trans people would choose a name close to their birth name, since it could be dysphoric for them, but I guess I wasn't one of them. Emily felt right."

Logan hummed, "Mhm.."

He was silent for a little while, but then he spoke up, "S-She/her.. can we.. try that for today?"

Emily smiled kindly, "Whatever you want."

Patton squealed, not able to contain his happiness for his boyf- his girlfriend!

He hugged Logan, "Ahh! I love you so much! I'm so happy for you! My beautiful, gorgeous girlfriend is absolutely incredible!"

Logan's face went completely red. She groaned, hiding her face in Patton's wing again.

Hearing him say girlfriend made her feel.. happy. The same happiness when he calls her his boyfriend for some days.

Emily had her phone out, searching for the gender that she thought Logan might identify with, letting the two have their moment.

She smiled at remembering when she came out to Patton. How accepting he was, and how he knew exactly what to say. He made her feel.. better about herself.

She looked back up, smiling even brighter when Patton was squeezing his girlfriend tightly, telling her how much he loved her.

Emily cleared her throat, "Ahem, if you want to know what you might identify with, I'd like your attention."

Logan tried to push Patton off, but didn't get much success. But she was able to see now.

Emily showed them her phone.

On it was an assumingly pride flag with the word 'Genderfluid' under it on Google.

Logan read the definition and her eyes went wide, "That.. describes it perfectly."

She looked very surprised. She didn't think that there was an actual label for her mixed up feelings.

"Now," Emily shut her phone off, putting it back in her pocket, "Don't immediately put that label on yourself. If you want to, you can, but I highly suggest waiting. You JUST figured it out, no need to rush."

"Are there other genders that describe what I'm feeling?" Logan asked, wishing she had a notebook or her phone with her to take notes.

"Maybe," Emily nodded slowly "There are many gender identities you should look at. I first thought I was bigender for a while, but then realized that female labels and just the idea of being a girl makes me happier then anything else."

"Bigender?" Patton piped up.

"Mhm, there are many genders," she said, looking back at Logan, "If you have questions or anything, I'd be happy to help! I'm not perfect on the topic, but I know a lot."

They both nodded.

Emily walked over to the bed, sitting on Logan's other side, "I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to talk to me about it."

"Me too," Patton rested his head on Logan's shoulder, "I'm glad you were able to tell me and Emmy."

"I feel better.. now that I've told someone," Logan whispered, "Especially you, Patton." She added.

"Good," Emily and Patton both said, immediately giggling right after.

Emily decided to join in on the hug, wrapping her wings around the two.

Logan felt.. weird and good. She didn't know if it was a bad thing, but she definitely felt weird and good.

She liked it.

sorry for publishing this like, two days ago. i was making small adjustments, and i accidentally hit publish instead of save.


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