Chapter Forty

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damn, chapter forty already? but i have so much planned! i can't make this story too long, no one likes things that are too long.. i guess i'll just have to try and add it all or cut some off

Roman wasn't focusing at all. He didn't know where he was, he was just trying not to fall asleep. Even if that seems like a good idea.

Remus pinched his side again, a reminder to stay awake. Roman weakly whined, resting his head on his twin's shoulder.

"I know, I know.." Remus shifted him, "We're almost to Logan's house, since it's closer."

"Mm," Roman nodded to let him know he heard.

It hurts.

His back hurts.

Why does it hurt so much?

Why is he so tired?

Will the pain ever go away?

Is he going to suffer for going to public school?

He should've stayed inside.

Never went out.

He wasn't in pain then.

It hurts.

It won't stop.

"It hurts.." Roman mumbled, feeling Remus squeeze him, "I know, just.. fuck, just hang in there. It'll stop soon."

Will it? It certainly hasn't stopped hurting since he went to school.

"We're almost there." Logan's voice reassured.

Roman nodded again, trying not to put too much weight onto Remus. He can go and sleep there. He's so tired.
Logan unlocked the door quickly, knowing his grandmother wouldn't be here, he slammed the door open.

The twins went inside first, Remus laying Roman on the couch.

Virgil was immediately at his side on his knees, "Ok ok, are you comfortable? Do you need a pillow or something?"

"Nnno.." Roman's eyes were already closed, "Don't.. don't leavvvve.." he slurred.

Virgil kissed the back of his hand, holding it, "I won't, I'll stay here."

Virgil turned to look at the others with wide, terrified eyes, "I-Is it ok for him to sleep?" he asked Logan.

The nerd nodded, "Sleep would be needed right now anyways. He is obviously in pain, and sleeping could help."

Patton sat down beside Virgil, "He'll be ok, I just know it." he smiled as brightly as he could to try and help his bestfriend. Virgil nervously smiled in return, "Y-Yeah," was all he could say.

Remus was biting his hand, all kinds of thoughts going through his head. No were too good either.

There dad is coming over tomorrow, Janus won't be at school, he and Roman might have to stay home because of his wing, his brother could've died, he would've been all alone without a brother, without a twin.

Without Roman.

"Stop biting yourself," Emily instructed, tugging at his sleeve, "Everything is going to be ok." She gave a small smile of her own.

Emily and Patton really were alike. No wonder they got along so well and are childhood friends.

He pat her head, "Thanks, but I don't think I can relax about this." He raised his hand to bite it again unconsciously, but Emily kept a firm grip.

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