Chapter Fifty-Two

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Roman was drying off, excited to see the outcome of his new hair. Virgil had looked stunning, just as he did when they first met. Roman refused to stop playing with the soft, purple hair.

He put his clothes back on, snuggling into Virgil's hoodie. It wasn't his style, but he liked how it looked on him.

He turned to the mirror, disappointed when the hair didn't look too different. Virgil told him it'd look better once his hair was dry, but still..

He put the towels in the hamper, opening the door and rushing to the living room.

Virgil looked up, smiling, "You look excited."

"Yes!" Roman squealed, jumping onto Virgil, wrapping his wing around the other, "I can't wait for it to dry!"

Virgil chuckled, "Remus called you while you were in the shower," he said, "Might wanna check that."

Roman nodded, taking his phone from Virgil, quickly calling his brother.

He answered immediately.

"Roman!" Remus greeted.

"Hey," Roman greeted back, "Need something?"

"Just wondering when you're coming back," Remus answered, "Sooo, when are you coming back?"

"Soon," Roman said, sounding unsure, "Is it.. ok if I hang out with Virgil for a bit longer?"

"Duh," Remus snorted, "What am I, mom?"

Roman sighed, smiling, "Thanks, I'm hanging up on you now."


Roman ended the calling, resting his head on Virgil's shoulder, "I'm tired."

"Yeah?" Virgil hummed, wrapping an arm around the other, "Which kind?"

"There are more then one?"

"Yep," he said, "Are you physically tired, or emotionally tired?"

Roman thought about it before responding with, "Emotionally, but physically too."

Virgil nodded, "Having one of those days?"

"Yeah," Roman yawned.

"Want to talk about it?" Virgil asked hesitantly, "You don't have to, don't feel pressured," he addes hastily.

Roman frowned. He wasn't sure if he did want to talk about it. Virgil was his boyfriend, he wouldn't do anything to him, would he?

"It's.." he looked down, trying to hide his face, "It's my biological dad. He came back to babysit Remus and I while mom's out at a business trip for the week."

Virgil's eyes widened in surprise, "Your dad? Oh wow, that must be a lot."

Roman breathlessly chuckled nervously, "Yeah, he wasn't the best dad and left us at the age of eight or nine. Remus is mad at him and mom."

"Damn Princey," Virgil tightened his hold, "Are you.. safe in there?"

"Physical, yeah," Roman replied, "Emotionally, not sure. Janus is letting us stay at his place though, so it's fine."

"That's good," Virgil whispered, "I'd hate for something bad to happen to you."

"Mm," Roman hummed, relaxing into Virgil's side, "Love you," he mumbled, letting his eyes fall shut.

Virgil smiled softly at his boyfriend, "Love you too," he whispered, kissing the top of the other's head. His purple wings sprouted behind his back, carefully curling around the smaller.

The two snuggled, Virgil letting his eyes close after some time.
Roman was running across his backyard, a wooden sword in hand.

He was running from his twin brother, Remus, who also had a wooden sword.

"I'm gonna stab your eye out!" Remus yelled, waving the sword wildly.

"Just try it!" Roman yelled back, gasping at how close his brother already was.

He flapped his wings, desperate to escape, but the wings were too little to use. He tripped himself, landing on the ground.

Remus stabbed him in the back, "Ha! I win!"

Roman didn't join his brother in his victory. Instead, he started to cry. Loud.

Remus panicked, "Did I hit you too hard? I'm sorry! Stop crying! Shh shh, I'm sorry!"

Roman only continued to cry, "My knee hurts and my wings hurt and my arm hurts!" he cried, wiping the snot away, rubbing dirt under his nose.

Remus teared up, taking a few steps back at the loud cry. He was sensitive to loud noises.

"I'll go get daddy!" Remus shouted, running off to the house. Roman sat there, crying his eyes out. It only worsened when he realized he was bleeding on his knees.

Seconds later, Remus came running back out with a man behind him, looking concerned. His giant, dark red wings were puffed out, the feathers bristling.

"Roman!" the man shouted, crouching down, "What happened?"

"I trip and fell!" Roman sobbed, "I try to fly and fell! My knees hurt, my hands hurt, and my wings hurt! I'm bleeding! Daddy I'm bleeding!"

Their father scooped him up easily, "Shh.. I got you bubba. Let's bring you inside and clean you up so we can put a bandaid on you."

Roman sniffed, cuddling into his daddy's chest, "I sowwy.."

"Don't be sorry," the father laughed softly, "It isn't anyone's fault. The pain will go away and you'll be ready to go play in no time!"

Roman nodded, "I try to fly, sowwy.."

The man sighed, setting him on the toilet seat so he could start a bath, "It's ok. You can't fly yet though, bubba. Your wings are too little and don't have enough feathers. You'll grow bigger and they'll grow with you."

"I can fly like you then?" Roman asked, his voice small.

The dad smiled, gently taking off his son's clothes, setting him in the bathtub, "Just like me."

Roman smiled, seeming satisfied with that answer, "I will have big and strong wings like you!"

"That's ri-"

"I wanna get a bath!" Remus whined, taking off his clothes and jumping into the tub.

"Remus!" Romam shrieked, "Don't splash!"

Remus giggled, "I gonna fly first! And have the best wings!"

"No!" Roman yelled, "I will fly first and have way better wings then you! I will fly all the time and get first place in the races, just like daddy!"

"Woah kid," The father laughed, "I don't always win."

Roman huffed, "You should. No one else is as good as you."

Remus nodded in agreement.

The father ruffled their hair, "Appreciate it, kiddos. Let's get you cleaned before mommy gets home."
Roman woke with a gasp, looking around the room, not recognizing it at first.

He sighed in relief when he saw Virgil asleep right next to him.

What a horrible dream.

if you haven't already, go read what my little sister wrote! Lily_craves_noodles (she/her)

it's a dream smp au book called "The Innit SMP (Dream SMP AU)"
the au has the characters switch roles! ex: Dream swaps places with Tommy

thank you!♡


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