Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Roman sighed, stretching his back. His wing is going to be the death of him.

He hopes things between Remus and Deceit turns out alright. He really doesn't want to lose Deceit as a friend because of his brother's stupidity.

He'd choose his twin brother over Deceit if it did come to that.


Roman jumped, looking up to see Virgil was carefully flying down. He stumbled landing, holding onto Roman's shoulders, "Shit- not that good at landing. Don't know how I got my license, haha."

Roman chuckled, leaning into the touch, "What brought you all the way here?"

"You." Virgil smirked at how red Roman went. He laughed, walking a few steps ahead before turning back and offering a hand, "Coming? Don't think Patton or Logan will like us skipping."

Roman felt his face turn even hotter, taking the hand. Virgil's face was equally as red as they walked together.

It was silent, but not am awkward kind. The two just enjoyed being there for each other.

Virgil carefully wrapped a wing around Roman, Roman beaming and snuggling into the soft feathers.

That's when he noticed...

"Are you missing feathers?"

"Hm?" Virgil looked over at him, then the wing, "Oh. Yeah. It's fine, don't worry."

Roman moved his fingers through the feathers, Virgil shivering at the feeling, "Did someone hurt you?"

"In the past." Virgil clicked his tongue, but shivered again when Roman began petting the wing.

"Hmm.." Roman leaned down and kissed a spot where a feather should've been, "There! All better!~"

Virgil went completely red, his ears burning. Roman smiled up innocently at him, giggling.

Virgil suddenly stopped, grabbing Roman's hands and forcing him to face him.

"V-Virgil?" Roman felt his own face burn even worse.

Virgil leaned close, "Can I kiss you?" he whispered. Roman gulped, but nodded.

Virgil connected their lips, bringing his hands down to his waist, Roman wrapping his around his neck.

It felt so warm and welcoming. Like nothing could harm them. Virgil pulled him closer, breaking apart, only to go forward again.

Roman gasped, whining slightly. God, he was so happy the two were together. He loves Virgil so much. He never wants to leave his side.

They pulled away, panting slightly. Roman looked up into Virgil's eyes, Virgil smiling.

He pulled him into a hug, hiding his face in Roman's neck. Roman giggled, hugging back.

The two heard sirens in the distance, but dismissed it as nothing new. Sirens could always be heard every now and then.

But it got louder. They pulled away, but not completely, to see and ambulance rushing past them.

Ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks were the only cars seen on the road. There could be an occasional car now and then, but everyone mostly flew.

They watched in horror as it stopped near the school in the distance. They quickly rushed over, Virgil hiding his wings.

When they go there, they saw none other than their friend Deceit get picked up and put on a stretcher.

Patton and Emile were hugging and shushing Remus as he screamed and sobbed.

"Remus!" Roman yelled, running over to his brother's side.

Remus looked up and kicked Patton off, shoving Emile as he jumped into Roman's arms. Patton rubbed his leg, but the two understood he wasn't in the best state of mind.

"ReRe, calm down! What happened?!" Roman held his brother close, feeling Virgil place a shaky hand on his shoulder.

Remus tried to talk, but he'd cry or scream right after, clinging on to him uselessly.

Logan walked up, eyes teary, but refusing to fall. He hugged Patton from behind, seeking comfort and warmth. Patton melted under it.

Remy was talking to one of the nurses.

"Remus and Deceit went away to talk. Next thing we know, Remus is screaming about how he fainted and wasn't breathing. So I called 911." Logan said calmly, but he looked defeated.

Roman squeezed Remus, "ReRe, I need you to tell me what exactly happened." Roman mumbled, swaying them.

"J-J-J-" Remus gasped, shaking, "He t-t-told me h-his na-name.."

They all froze up. Emile was first to break the silence, "H-His name? Didn't  he s-say he indeed up i-in the hospital l-last time?"

Remus nodded weakly. Remy walked over, Emile whispering about what they knew. Remy's eyes went wide behind the sunglasses.

Roman shushed Remus when he screamed into his shirt. He felt his back ache when Remus wrapped his arms around it.

"R-Remus, move y-your arms.." He mumbled. Remus immediately complied, wrapping around his waist instead.

It was quite while Roman calmed his brother down, the ambulance gone long ago.

The principal came over to them, smiling sympathetically. She was tall and chubby, tan skin and dark blue dyed hair. Her name was Principal Don.

"Hello you.. five. Aren't you all very close with Deceit?" She asked kindly. They all nodded.

"You can take the day off, if you want. I wouldn't want you to all be distracted in class. And I think it's best if you vist him or have a day together, yeah?" She pulled out five yellow slips, "I got you covered."

"Thanks Principal Don." Patton smiled, everyone else saying their thanks. Besides Remus, he just nodded.

She shouted for everyone else to go to class, walking inside.

The five stood their for a second.

"Wanna go to my house?" Remy asked, squeezing Emile's hand.

They all agreed, following quietly behind Remy.

Remy and Emile were holding hands, Patton had his arms wrapped around Logan's, Roman holding Remus close as Virgil rubbed his back to try and help sooth the pain.

Roman looked over at him, "Are you alright?" he asked. Virgil nodded, "Y-Yeah, I'll be f-fine."

He smiled at him, but wince when Remus' wing lightly hit his back. Virgil pushed it away, Remus not acknowledging.

"M-My mom is at work, so it'll just be us. Also, it's kinda dark because of my eyeballs." Remy said, reaching into his pocket for his keys when his house came into view.

Roman patted Remus' shoulder. He knew everything would turn upside down.

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