Christmas Special

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This isn't apart of the story, this is just a side story of the main story. This is simply a special.

Merry Christmas!

Roman sighed, looking out the window with a grim expression, his brother copying him.

The twins were currently hoping for snow, seeing as they don't get too much. Their mother sighed at the sight.

"You know, we can vist your cousins this Christmas." She smiled, hoping to lift their spirits up.

"No," Remus pouted, "Isaac hurt me."

"You twisted his nipple." Roman pointed out.

"He was making fun of your wing."

"You still twisted his nipple."

"For a good reason!"

"You don't always have to protect me."

"I do to! Wanna get YOUR nipple twisted?!"

"Boys!" Julian shouted, "Enough! We don't have to vist them, and no nipple twisting!" She warned, then walked off to the kitchen to finish bills.

The twins both pouted, and looked back out the window.

Remus then gasped, bouncing in his spot, "Oh! Oh! I know what we can do!"

"What? What?" Roman felt excitement bubble up at his brother's own excitement.

"We can do a Christmas party and invite our friends!" Remus practically screamed.

Roman now gasped, "Omg, yes!"

"Mom! Mom!" They both shouted, bolting to the kitchen to tell their mother their wonderful idea.

Julian sighed, looking up at them with a tired smile, "Yes boys?" she asked.

"Can we throw a Christmas party and invite our friends?!" Remus jumped up and down, shaking his hands in excitement. It was a happy stimming of his.

Their mother was surprised, "Is Roman ok with that?" she asked.

Said twin nodded, eyes sparkling with excitement, "We've never hosted a party before! This will be so exciting!"

Julian looked hesitant, but nodded slowly, "I suppose.. it is alright then. Find out who all is going to come and if any are allergic to anything."

Remus squealed, shaking his hands even harder, "Hell yeah! Let's text them in the group chat!" he turned to Roman.

"Yeah!" Roman agreed, the two rushing to their rooms.

"We can host it on the 23rd!" Julian called after, then went back to working on the bills.
"Ok ok, so we haven't used the group chat in a while," Remus said, jumping on his bed, Roman following, "but it won't be a problem. I just hope Logan unmuted it."

"Why did he mute it?" Roman asked, pulling up the chat.

"Ehhh, we were annoying, I guess." he shrugged.

Remus: yo fuckers, our mom said we could host a Christmas party! any of you able to come?

Roman: It's on the 23rd!

The two waited patiently, talking about what they could do for the party. When they heard a ping from their phones, they abruptly stopped and went right to message.

Emily: I'll come! I was gonna host one at my house, but this is even better!

Remy: if she's going i'll go

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