Chapter Sixty-One

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Emily sighed, picking a box up, "Are you positive I can stay with you guys?" she asked.

Remy nodded, helping her, "Mom and I don't care. Sorry it took so long to clean out my uncle's old room. It was a uh," he kicked at the floor, "emotional process."

Emily opened her mouth to apologize, but Margaret, Remy's mother, stepped into the room, "Got anymore boxes?"

"Yes ma'am," Emily said, "Just a few more."

"Good," Margaret carefully took another box. She turned to look at her son and scowled, "Remy, get your butt moving. Help out your friend."

Remy blinked.

"I'm literally holding a box-"

"How was your day, Emmy?" Margaret completely ignored Remy, smiling kindly at the other teen.

Emily followed her out to the moving truck. She can't help but look at the vehicle in awe. They don't usually come around. She wonders if Roman will ever get one.

"It was fine. Our literacy teacher is thinking about doing a group project," Emily answered.

Margaret hummed, setting the box down, "Oh yeah? What about?"

After they loaded up all the boxes, Margaret sent the drivers away. She turned to the two teenagers, waving her phone, "Want pizza?"

"Ugh, no," Remy groaned, his wings drooping, "We've had pizza like, 5 nights."

Margaret huffed, "Maybe we have," she stuck her tounge out, "But EmEms has not."

The two turned to her.

Emily shrugged, "I don't care. I can cook something if you want," she offered.

Remy cheered. Margaret clapped, "I had no idea you could cook," she put her phone up.

Emily chucked nervously, "I don't usually do it, but I was living alone. Gotta feed myself."

Margaret grinned, "None of that anymore! You're with me, kid. I'll take care of the adult stuff."

Emily nodded, "Thank you for taking me in."

"None of that," Margaret waved her off, "Now!"

Two, big, powerful wings spread from the woman's back. The feathers were colorful. They went from a lovely bright purple that slowly faded to a darker purple, which slowly faded to a dark indigo, then dark blue, and finally finishing off with a pastel blue. Her wings were long, her feathers thick. They looked well kept.

"Let's head home."

The three took off into the sky, not too close where they could mess the other up, but close enough. Emily hummed in content at the sun's warmth. It was setting, making the sky look beautiful. Margaret's wings seemed to shine.

Remy had his phone out. Emily made a mental note to herself to get on to him about it.

It wasn't long until they arrived at the house. The truck was not yet there.

The three landed down safely. Remy put his hands on his hips, "Bitch, where the fuck is the truck?"

Margaret unlocked the door, "No swearing."

Emily hid her wings, "It's alright, "I can sleep on the couch."

Margaret sighed, "No dear, we'll get some spare sheets and pillows. Don't worry."

Remy mumbled something under his breath. Emily sent him a weird look, "Hm?"

"Nothing babe."

Emily took her shoes off at the door, shivering at how cold it was. Margaret's wings fluttered out of view, "What will you make us tonight, EmEms?"

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