Chapter Forty-Two

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"Grandmother," Logan said, scowling at the counter, "Please do not talk about my mother and father."

Lu hummed, "I figured you told them. And it isn't anything to be ashamed of."

"It's not that I'm ashamed," Logan responded.

She hummed again, taking oven mitts and opening the oven, "You can't be mad at your parents forever."

"Tch," Logan felt anger rising up. He really didn't want to have this conversation.

Lu took the tray out, setting it on top of the oven, "They had important work to do." she said softly.

Logan seriously didn't want to have this conversation.

"They were doing it for you."


"They seriously loved you."

Stop it.

"They only wanted to see you happy."

"Grandmother! Please!" Logan shouted, his dark blue wings sprouting from his back, wrapping themselves around him in comfort.

Lu just sighed, looking over to the teenage boy.

It was silent between them. Logan refused to look away from the ground, and Lu refused to look away from him.

Logan shook his head, "I am going to my room to relax. Please tell the other's that I will join them again shortly after."

With that being said, he immediately walked off, heading to his room. He shut the door, locking it.

He clenched his fist, looking around his room for something to take his anger out on. He wanted to hit something, break something.

He knew he shouldn't, his friends were in the house. But he wanted to destroy something.

Logan would often get angry and upset like this, and would go into his room and make a mess of things, cry, and then clean it. He knows it can't be healthy, but it's better then yelling at his grandmother and his friends.

Logan sat on his bed, hugging himself. He just needed a moment to think.
Patton was worried.

He could tell that Logan was upset, and he isn't doing anything to help.

He wasn't paying attention at all to what his friends were saying either.

Remy snorted, "I have to say, bitch is a fun word to say, but babe just works better for me."

Remus grinned, "Just imagine saying 'Hey bitches' though!"

"Nothing stopping you from saying it," Remy pointed out.

Emily chuckled, "I think saying babe is way better then bitch."

Roman giggled quietly at the conversation. Virgil was sitting beside him, on his phone. Roman was about to join in, when his phone vibrated.

Hope: Hey, it's sunday, do you want to hang out today?

Roman completely forgot about saying he'd hang out with Hope and his friends.

Roman: I'm sorry, something important came up and i can't! i'll see you tomorrow at school though!

Hope: Oh, it's fine. I understand, that happens a lot with my family, it's a really big family and a lot happens all of a sudden

Roman: You should tell me about your family tomorrow! talk to ya later!

Hope: See ya Roman!

"You have Hope's number?" Virgil suddenly asked.

Roman jumped, "Jeez- you scared me!" he pouted, "And yes, I think I'm his friend."

Virgil looked surprised, "You made friends with Hope? As in, you talk and shit?"

"Yeah?" Roman nodded, "Is that bad?" he then asked.

Virgil shook his head, "I wouldn't say that. His old friends just use to.." he pressed his wings against his sides, "They use to rip feathers off."

Roman's eyes went wide, "What? Did Hope join in?" he didn't think Hope, the kid who seemed nervous and shy, would rip feathers out of someone's wings.

Virgil shook his head, "No, but he always just stood there on the side. He's friends with those two other kids now, which seems to make him happier. So good for him." He shrugged.

"Yeah, two girls were with him when he asked if I wanted to hang out." Roman said.

But Hope didn't necessarily ask, the red head did, whatever her name was.

"I thought one wasn't a girl?" Virgil said with confusion, "There was this whole year where this red head would flip off anyone who said they had to choose between a girl or boy. Actually some great stories with them."

"Oh? Like what?" Roman asked, curious and intrested.

"Well, they said they had to use the bathroom, but wanted to go to the nurse's since it doesn't have a label between girl or boy. The teacher didn't like that, and they argued for a bit before the kid threatened to just use the bathroom in the classroom." Virgil smiled at the memory, "They were kinda badass."

"Oh wow," Roman whistled, "What else?"

"In Flying Class, before we had Coach Thomas, the coach would often have guys vs. girls games. The red head would claim that they can't play if only girls and boys can play. The coach told them to go on the girl's side, and they cussed him out. They were honestly just the badass of the school at that time period." Virgil tried to remember their name, but nothing came to mind.

Roman listened to stories about the red head, amazed at how little they cared for other's opinions.

Remy, Remus, and Emily continued their conversation.

Patton eventually snuck off into the kitchen, not able to tell himself Logan is alright anymore. He needed to check on his boyfriend.

When he entered the kitchen, he saw that Logan wasn't there, only Lu, who was sitting down in a chair, looking out the window.

She had her wings out, which were a lovely bright purple.

"W-Where is Logan?" he asked, feeling nervous being alone with her.

"In his room," Lu answered, "Perhaps you can calm his mind."

"Is he ok?" Patton asked with concern. He knew Logan wasn't ok, but he hoped he wasn't too bad.

"No, but if you're there, then I know he will be ok." She said, closing her eyes.

Patton nodded, walking out and searching for his boyfriend's room. It didn't take long to find it, but the door was locked when he tried opening it.

He knocked, "Logan? It's me, Patton. I'd like to talk to you."

He heard shuffling from the inside, but the door remained closed.

"I know something is wrong. I could tell at the store, and now it seems that it's worse," he explained his worry, "Talking about it might make you feel better."

It was silent and still for a while longer. Just as Patton was about to give up, the door slowly opened.


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