Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Logan undressed himself, feeling oddly nervous about trying on the dress. It's just a piece of cloth, the worst is that it won't look good or feel right.

He carefully put the galaxy dress on, adjusting it so it'd fit right, and then looked in the mirror.

His eyes went wide behind his glasses.

He actually.. liked how he looked. He moved a bit, the dress waving with him.

He didn't think he'd like it. No, he doesn't even like it, he absolutely loves how it looks and feels. It's so soft on the inside, and he just looked so..

"Pretty." he whispered. He shook his head, turning back to the door. Time to get the opinion of the others.

He unlocked the door, stepping out.

Patton gasped, "Logan.. you look-"

"Absolutely wonderous!" Roman finished.

"It suits you!" Remus nodded, bouncing at his spot.

Emily squealed, "You look amazing, Lo!"

Remy clapped his hands, "I'd take you on a date with your cute ass."

The lady, Don, had her phone recording, "Do a twirl!"

Logan felt his face heat up, "I-I will do no such thing." he stammered.

"Well," Emily flicked her wrist, "How does it feel?" she asked.

Logan paused to answer. Why is he hesitating to answer?

He doesn't feel like anyone will take him seriously. His friends may not care, but what about his teachers? Grandmother? Why do their opinion even matter? Why does this bother him so much?!

"I.." He looked down at the dress, playing with the bow, "I don't like wearing dresses." he lied, looking up at the group.

Emily smiled, "That's fine, dresses just may not be your thing!"

"You looked really pretty, LoLo! But it's ok if you don't like it, you're still pretty without it." Patton reassured his boyfriend. Logan nodded stiffly, going back to the changing room.

After changing back into his clothes and putting the dress back on the hanger, he was still for a moment. He wanted the dress. Why did he want this dress so much? Why did he feel more comfortable wearing them then what he's wearing now?

He shook his head, walking back out, handing the dress to the girl. Don quickly went to put it up.

Logan sat besides Patton, avoiding eye contact with any of the others.

Remy decided to go next, coming back out with his normal attire on, "Nope, I put that on and then it just didn't feel right. I can't, sorry babes."

"It's alright!" Emily smiled a reassuring smile, "None of you have to like it."

"I doubt I'll hate it," Roman stood up, "I'm next!"

He scurried off into the stall, getting rid of his pants, quickly putting on his skrit. It went amazingly with his plain white, buttoned shirt.

He made some adjustments before smiling brightly, nodding to himself and walking out proud.

Remus was the first to clap, "Woo! Go Roman!" He cheered, Roman posing for the camera, he felt like a star.

Virgil had a smile, "You look great, Roman." he wasn't the best at complimenting, but Roman seemed to brighten even more knowing his boyfriend likes it.

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