Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Ugh, that took forever!" Remus groaned, "And now I'm hungry and tired!"

Roman scoffed, "You took forever, no one else."

"Hmph," Remus crossed his arms, scowling.

The group was outside, Emily and Patton on Emily's phone, looking for a close place to eat at, since Roman can't fly.

Remy was very annoyed, "I don't like you," he said to Virgil. The emo kid laughed, "You should, because I don't like you either."

The two had a fight while coming out, it was about a family get together. Remy said it would be a good idea, Virgil telling him to piss off and suck a dick. Remy finally got fed up with his cousin and yelled at him about how it wasn't their fault, Virgil telling him to shut up while looking nervously at the others. Remy did, but kept glaring at him.

Roman slowly took Virgil's hand in his, "It's alright, love, calm down." he gave him a polite smile.

Virgil sighed, leaning against Roman, "I'm tired.." he mumbled.

"Tch," Remy's wings fluttered into view, "I'm going home."

Emily looked up from her phone, "What? Why?" she looked upset.

Remy glared at Virgil from underneath his sunglasses, "I don't want to be around him for a while, I'm pissed off."

Virgil glared at him, but remained silent.

Emily shuffled nervously, "Alright, well, I'll bring you something back, ok?" she gave a nervous smile.

He gave her a small smile in return, "Thanks," and took off, flying off towards his house.

Patton turned to Virgil, "Virgil, you should be nicer to him, he's your cousin!" he scolded.

"He's a shit one," Virgil mumbled, hiding in Roman's hair, fully hugging him now.

"Uh," Roman tried to get him off, "I agree with Patton, you should be nicer to Remy."

Virgil huffed, "You're my boyfriend, be on my side."

"I won't if it isn't the right side."

"Meanie," he grumbled, but hugged him tighter, nuzzling him. Roman felt his face heat up, "You're cuddly."

"Mmm, I love you, why wouldn't I cuddle you?" The emo kissed the top of his head, the shorter couldn't help but melt into the warmth, snuggling back.

"Jeez, you two wanting to fuck or something?" Remus rolled his eyes.

Roman flipped him off, "Don't be jealous because I'm getting affectionate from my boyfriend and you can't."

Remus flipped him off in return.

"You two," Patton shook his head, looking back over at Emily's phone.

"Oh! There's a cafe near by!" Emily smiled, "It's not too far."

"Let's go!" Patton cheered, looking back at his quiet partner with a bright smile, but it died down when he saw how upset Logan looked.

But before he could say anything, "Let's go already, I'm so fucking hungry!" Remus yelled, already heading off towards a direction.

Emily hurried after, Roman managing to get Virgil off him so he could follow, Virgil following tiredly.

Logan followed silently, Patton right at his side. He knew something was on his mind, but he didn't know what. And if he didn't know what, he couldn't make it better. So now his boyfriend is upset, and he can't make it better!

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