Chapter Forty-Nine

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Virgil blinked open his eyes, his alarm blaring loudly. With a groan, he shut it off, laying his arm over his eyes.

"I'm too depressed to get out of bed.." he grumbled, his voice scratchy from waking up.

After a few minutes of laying, he forced himself up, looking around his small room. He doesn't have much, but he was comfortable with his lifestyle.

Virgil walked to his closet, picking out a grey t-shirt with a black hoodie that had dark purple swirls over it and ripped black jeans.

He got ready, throwing on his clothes and grabbing something to eat. He was tempted to check on his dad, but knew the old man needed rest.

Virgil's dad was ill. His body is trying to fight the illness, but the doctors aren't sure if he'll make it. With the help of radiation and chemotherapy, he seems to be getting better, but nothing is set in stone.

Remy's mother sends money over from time to time to help pay off bills and food, and his grandparents do the same. Plus, his dad has been trying to find a job he can do online.

Virgil sighed, pouring himself some regular Cheerios with milk, sitting on the couch to watch whatever was on TV before he took off for school.

Virgil actually had three jobs.

Two at fast food areas, and one for doing stuff like mowing the lawn and cleaning houses around the neighborhood.

It was a lot of stress on the teenager. He had three jobs, school, and a life he had to balance out. He would hardly get any sleep, seeing as he'd have night shifts during one of the fast food places.

But he had to do it.

Not only to support himself and save up for college, but to do something big for Roman.

Virgil's face reddened at his own thought. He and the other have only been dating for a few weeks, but even if they break up, Roman should still get the gift Virgil plans on getting him.

Virgil huffed, letting his wings sprout from his back and flutter a few times before tucking themselves in. Virgil had a.. secret. A bad one.

He's been trying to learn magic.

Yes, magic is illegal everywhere, seeing as magic use to be used only for bad purposes and it could get out of hands, but magic helps him.

Feathers don't exactly grow back.

Virgil spread out his left wing, immediately finding a spot that didn't have a feather when it was supposed to. His wings use to look much worse, and he was afraid he'd never be able to fly as good as he did before. But then he found a book in a library, hidden in the back. He was afraid of asking to check it out and have the workers say he can't and then take the book away, so he kept it hidden in the library and would go there to read it. He refused to steal it.

That was where he learned how to heal his wings and grow feathers back. He's been trying to learn more, just in case. He could heal some other wounds and do a small blast that could push someone back. Nothing big.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find a spell that would let an entire wing grow back.

Virgil turned the TV off, placing his bowl down, then carefully touching the spot that had a missing feather. He felt warmth grow from his chest that then spread down to his arm and down to his hand. He watched as a purple glow came from his hand, the spot completely covered in the glow.

It felt.. strange using magic. Like he shouldn't do it, but he should at the same time.

After a minute, he forced the warmth to leave, it retreating back to its cage inside him.

And then there was a dark purple feather, as soft and thin as the other feathers.

Virgil stood up, taking the bowl to the sink and putting on his shoes and grabbing his bag.

He's been trying to figure out a way to undo curses for a particular enemy-friend of his, but its hard to figure out the ancient language. But he hasn't given up yet.

Virgil walked out, hissing at the sunshine that hit his face, "Why must it be so damn sunny?" he huffed to himself.

He let his wings spread out, and flap hard against the ground, making his body go up. He soared up into the sky, and headed off to school.

He saw a few other people flying, but kept to themselves. It was dangerous to fly too close.

Virgil has also been looking for a way to heal his father's illness, but it was rather difficult. Magic that healed stuff like that was extremely difficult to learn. But yet again, he refuses to give up.

Sometimes, he'd sneakily do magic on his dad when he was asleep. Like ease the pain.

Virgil shivered, despite wearing a hoodie, it was still chilly to fly.

Virgil didn't want to tell anyone about his secret. Not even Roman. He was afraid of what the others would do, what they would think.

It's best if it remained a secret.

He slowed down once he saw his school, the nice breeze coming to a stop as well. He carefully glided down, but still stumbled when he landed.

Jeez, he seriously needs to practice landing more often.

He looked over and smiled a small smile when he saw his friends already there. Except the twins and the cursed teen, but he didn't expect Roman to be able to go to school and Remus leave him, and Janus was in the hospital.

"But Logan!" Virgil heard Patton whine as he approached, "I want to go get snow cones instead of ice cream!"

Logan gave him an amused look, "I'm not a big snow cone person."

Remy snorted, coffee in hand, "Bitch, how? It's legit the same thing as ice cream, just actual ice and has more flavors."

Emily glared at him, "Remy you ignorant slut."

Remy burst into laughter at the reference, Patton looking very confused and shocked that Emily just said that to Remy. Logan rolled his eyes.

Virgil sat himself down by the tree, giving everyone a nod of greeting before taking his bag off and grabbing his ear buds.

Virgil definitely didn't want to lose this friend group because he was doing something illegal.

thought i'd change it up a bit and do a Virgil chapter. it'll go back to it mostly revolving around Roman's thoughts and such, but doing another character is an ok thing too, yeah?


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