Chapter Fifty-Five

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Emily was walking down the hall, her books in hand. She left her bag in her locker, and it had her history book that she needed for her next class.

She arrived at her locker, twisting the knob to her code combination.

She felt something hit the back of her head. She frowned, looking down at the ground, seeing a crumbled piece of paper.

She heard snickering, and looked up to see a group of boys. She rolled her eyes, picking the paper up and throwing it in the trash can, going back to finding her history book.

Something poked her back.

She turned around, scowling at the boy, "Can I help you?"

The boy rolled his eyes, "C'mon Emile, you can't ignore me forever."

Emily snorted, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of her birth name, "I can, and I will."

The boy frowned, "You can't just break up with me."

"Yes I can, and did."

"But why? Did you just fall out of love? Did I say something?"

Emily groaned, "Marcus, just leave me alone. I really don't want to talk to you."

Marcus crossed his arms, "I was so nice!" he looked down, his expression was guilt, "At least, I thought I was.."

"You were," Emily smiled kindly, "You were very polite, and always apologized when we fought and stood up for me."

Marcus seemed to relax a bit at that, "So what did I do that I didn't apologize for?"

Emily shook her head. How could she explain it to him?

Emily and Marcus secretly dated for two years. She was very happy with him, he was one of the kindest boys. They fought, all couples do, and he made up every single time. He listened, and never interrupted her on purpose. He lend her money, even though she never asked for it. He offered her a place to stay in, and babysat her cats! He was one of the best.

But he was gay. He only liked guys. Not girls.

Emily shuffled awkwardly, "You didn't do anything. It's all on me. I just.. lost interest."

That was a lie. She did eventually move on, but she cried for days after their breakup. Patton comforted her, even when he had no idea why she was sad in the first place, and never pressured her to tell anything.

Marcus sighed, looking tired, "I should move on then too, huh? People can fall out of love. I'd never ask you to stay with me if you didn't love me that way."

Emily awkwardly patted his shoulder, "Thank you."

Marcus smiled, leaning into the touch, "Could we at least be friends? I promise I won't try to be weird."

Emily bit her lip, "I don't think we should be friends.."

She was scared that something would end up happening between them. She loves Remy, she has the biggest crush on the coffee addict. But she still felt a bit nervous and flustered around Marcus.

Maybe she didn't move on completely yet.

Marcus looked heartbroken, tears filling his eyes, "O-Of course," he whispered, "I should.. l-leave you be."

He forced a smile, "Thanks for talking to me this last time, g-glad to know I didn't mess anything up."

He walked away, hugging himself. Emily felt guilty, but couldn't bring herself to say anything. She watched him leave before sighing, looking for her history book again.
"What's wrong babe?" Remy asked her, wrapping an arm around her.

Emily leaned into the touch, her wings fluttering in joy, "Nothing big, just dumb problems."

"Those are the best ones," Remy grinned, "Tell me your secrets gurl, I ain't gonna tell anyone."

Emily glanced at her friends. They were further away, so they shouldn't be able to hear her.

"It's an ex," she finally confessed, never thinking she'd talk about Marcus to anyone.

Remy rose an eyebrow, but kept silent so she could continue.

"He's wanting to know why we broke up," she mumbled, "And I told him I fell out of love, and didn't want to be friends."

Remy glared, but it wasn't at her, "The bitch giving you trouble about it?"

"Not really," she swallowed built up spit, "He understood and is going to leave me alone."

Remy sighed in relief, but then looked at her confused, "So what's wrong?"

Emily shrunk, her bright pink wings curling around her, "..I lied."

Remy opened his mouth, but closed it.

"I.. miss him," Emily felt tears prick at her eyes, "He was so good to me, never once was abusive, and he always apologized aftet a fight. I never fell out of love, at least, that wasn't the reason."

"You don't love him?" Remy couldn't help but ask, hoping that she doesn't. He couldn't deal with heartbreak well.

Fortunately, she shook her head. Unfortunately, she didn't seem sure, "I don't think so. I still get a bit nervous around him, but there's someone else I- er, I don't feel romantic feelings towards him."

Remy did a cheer in his head, "So why'd you break up?"

Emily took in a deep breath, "H-He's gay."


"He doesn't.. like girls.."

"Oh?" Remy hummed, before slowly realizing what she means, "Oh! Oh. Oh, honey.."

Emily hid her face in his chest, "I-I couldn't date him, but I wasn't r-ready to come out to him," she hiccups, "I don't know if I'll ever be ready.."

Remy wrapped a wing around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "It's ok, Emmy, you don't have to tell him if you aren't ready."

"It is?" she mumbled, sniffling, practically melting into her crush.

"Of course babe," he smiled, "You can tell him on your own time whenever. you're ready. If he's really as great as you say, he'll understand."

Emily nodded, "R-Right. He'll understand, he's very supportive for trans people.."

She remembers him donating to help transgender people, and bought his friend a packer.

"See?" Remy ruffled her hair, "Everything will be ok."

Emily giggled, "Thanks, you seriously help ground me."

"I live to serve you," Remy grinned, "my princess," he added with a wink.

Emily whined, her face going red, "Shush!" she hid her face against.

Remy took a sip of his drink, "I'm so calling you that now, you're my princess~"

Emily huffed, "Meanie," she said, but it was muffled.

Emily has the biggest crush on Remy, no doubt about it. Question is, does he like her back?

i don't want to make Emily and Remy date yet! that means the story is coming to an end! but all stories must end eventually

i won't publish a chapter next friday, i'm going on a vacation. it's away from people, and we'll bring masks and such. it's for my birthday, since we haven't been able to do a lot, parents decided to do something big


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